Aurora Seeks Donations to Build Veterans Monument
To honor those who have served and lost their lives in recent military conflicts, the City of Aurora Veteran’s Advisory Council is seeking donations to construct a new monument in the Sunken Garden at Phillips Park.
A kick-off for the fundraising campaign was held Wednesday, Nov. 5, at the future site of the monument in the Sunken Gardens at Phillips Park, 1000 Ray Moses Drive, Aurora.
The new veteran’s memorial will honor all Aurorans who have paid the ultimate sacrifice during conflicts in Korea, Vietnam, Operation Desert Storm, Iraq and Afghanistan. The granite pillar and slab will feature an inscription as well as the seal of each branch of the U.S. Armed Forces.
“As Aurora prepares to celebrate Veterans Day, this is a fitting tribute to all of our heroes who have fought and died protecting our freedoms,” Aurora Mayor Tom Weisner said. “The new monument will help to preserve their memories and honor their service to Aurora and our nation.”
Gold Star families are confirmed to be in attendance and all family members of those who passed away during the aforementioned conflicts are invited to attend.
“Building the new monument will be a community-wide effort that will, once again, allow everyone to participate in such an important endeavor,” said Joe Toma, Chairman of the Aurora Veterans Advisory Board.
“I want to thank our Aurora Veteran’s Advisory Council for organizing this effort to honor those who died in our service in conflicts after World War II”, said Weisner.
Sponsorships for the construction of the new monument at several different levels ranging up to $5,000 are available, and donations of any size are being accepted. To donate online, go to
To donate by mail, make checks payable to the Aurora Veterans Advisory Council Fund, and mail to: Aurora Veterans Advisory Council Fund, Community Foundation of the Fox Valley, 111 W. Downer Place, Aurora, Illinois 60506.
For more information on the monument and other activities of the Aurora Veterans Advisory Council, follow the council on Facebook at
SOURCE: City of Aurora press release
- Editor’s Note: Kane County Connects hopes to celebrate veterans and Veterans Day events throughout Kane County by providing as much information as we can about veterans-related events or initiatives. If you are participating in or aware of a Veterans Day item in Kane County, please email text and/or links to