Batavia Chamber of Commerce Seeks Nominations for Citizen of the Year
Is there a Batavia citizen who you believe exemplifies giving back to the community through outstanding service and dedication? If so, the Batavia Chamber of Commerce is asking you to nominate her or him for the annual Batavia Citizen of the Year Award honoring extraordinary contributions to the community over the course of the recipient’s lifetime.
This person (or persons) will be the guest of honor at the Batavia Chamber of Commerce’s annual recognition event. The Inspire 2015 awards recognition takes place on Friday, Jan. 30, 2015, at The Holmstad, 700 W. Fabyan Parkway.
Nominees must reside or have their business in Batavia or Batavia Township. Other requirements include:
- The nominee must have assisted in an improvement or program of significant value to the Batavia community.
- The improvement must be made because of a personal commitment and not substantially because of their primary employment or public responsibilities.
- The nominee may not currently be on the Board of Directors of the Batavia Chamber of Commerce.
- The nominee does not need to be a member of the Batavia Chamber of Commerce.
- The contributions of the nominee to the community should be of an extraordinary nature.
To nominate a deserving person, submit a letter of recommendation to the Batavia Chamber of Commerce no later than Dec. 1. The letter should state the reasons why the nominee is worthy of this honor. A committee of previous recipients of the award selects the Batavia Citizen of the Year based upon the letters of recommendation received.
The last five Batavia Citizen of the Year winners are James (Jim) Hanson (2013), Steve and Britta McKenna (2012), Robert and Suzanne Peterson (2011), Virginia C. Babcock (2010), W.C. “Buzz” and Linnea Miller (2009).
Contact Holly Deitchman, executive director of the Batavia Chamber of Commerce via email