Where Can I Find Kane County Election Results? And More Election Day FAQs
OK, it’s hours before the election as this is written, and if you’re reading this first thing Tuesday, it might be minutes before you vote.
You need to know what’s on the ballot, and you need to know now. What do you do? Where do you go?
Here’s some of the information you might find useful, if you live in Kane County, IL.
When Can I Vote?
Hours are 6 a.m. to 7 p.m. on Election Day.
Where Do I Vote?
Here’s a list of polling places for the Aurora Election Commission.
Here’s a list of polling place for the balance of Kane County.
How Can I Find Out In Advance Who and What’s on the Ballot?
In this election, you’ll have an opportunity to choose who will represent you in the U.S. Senate, Congress, governor and other statewide offices, the Illinois House and Illinois Senate, county officials and County Board members and judges.
As we mentioned in an earlier article, you can find your own, personalized sample ballot on the Kane County Clerk’s website.
What Referendums Are on the Ballot?
You can find a list of referendums on this page of the Kane County Clerk’s website.
Here’s a story we posted earlier that includes a list of the referendums in Kane County, plus statewide referendums you’ll see Tuesday, Nov. 4.
Can I Register to Vote on Election Day?
There’s a grace period this time around that allows you to register on Election Day.
Kane County residents may check their registration online by going to www.kanecountyelections.org; click on “Are you registered” and follow the directions on the page.
Is There a Place I Can Report Illegal Election Activity?
Anyone who experiences or witnesses any possible illegal election activity, such as electioneering, illegally placed campaign signs or denial of voting rights at any of Kane County’s 228 voting precincts should call the hotline at (630) 208-5328.
Here’s an article about the Kane County State’s Attorney’s Office Election Complaint Hotline.
Where Can I Find Results on Election Night?
Obviously, your first option is either the Kane County Clerk’s Office website or the Aurora Election Commission website, if you live in the city of Aurora, or both if you want to add them up.
Here are links to the 2014 General Election results pages, where you can find …
- Precincts Reporting
- Contest Totals
- Referenda (Including Judges Seeking Retention)
- Precinct Turnout (PDF)
- Cumulative Results
Keep in mind that if you want to know who’s winning one of the Kane Countywide offices — the sheriff’s race between Republican Donald E. Kramer and Democrat Willie M. Mayes, Sr., for example — or if you want to know how Kane County voted as a whole for one of the statewide or federal offices, you have to add the totals from the Aurora Election Commission to the totals tabulated by the Kane County Clerk’s Office.
What Kind of Equipment Will I Use to Vote?
Kane County replaced the old punchcard ballots with the eSlate in 2006. If you’re new to the area and haven’t used eSlate before, it’s pretty simple. Basically, you use a rotary wheel to navigate through the ballot and select your vote. The rotary interface was chosen because it is more accurate and durable than touch-screen systems.
A video “how to” is below.