Geneva Church Hosts Affordable Care Act How-To
Affordable Care Act Navigators from VNA Health Care will be on-site at the Unitarian Universalist Society of Geneva to work with you in person from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 13, 2014. The church is located at 110 S. Second St. in downtown Geneva.
If you, your family, or your friends need help understanding the alternative insurance plans, costs, and subsidies available from “Obama Care,” this is an opportunity to get one-on-one help from trained counselors who can guide you step by step through the online healthcare insurance sign-up process.
Spanish-speaking counselors will be available. This event is free and open to everyone, but advance registration is required.
To register and reserve an appointment time, please contact Bill Scown at or 630-360-0905 by Tuesday, Dec. 9. We will call registered attendees the week before your appointment to answer questions and explain the information that you will need to bring to your Navigator session.
The Affordable Care Act changes many health insurance practices: people can no longer be denied insurance or charged more for pre-existing conditions; women cannot be charged more simply because they are women; lifetime and annual dollar caps are prohibited; and insurers are limited in using premium dollars for profits and overhead costs.
This law also sets up a new Health Insurance Marketplace where individuals are able to compare and shop for a health plan. Most people purchasing a plan on the Marketplace will qualify for some financial assistance. Navigators can help you find a plan that fits your budget and your health care needs.
SOURCE: Unitarian Universalist Society of Geneva press release