Kane County Committee Appointments — Who Does What, Starting Now

Kane County Committee Appointments — Who Does What, Starting Now

  • Editor’s Note: This article was corrected from its original version to reflect the membership of the Executive Committee and the Riverboat Committee.

The Kane County Board on Tuesday gave the OK for 2015 committee appointments in the wake of the Nov. 4 elections and the upcoming calendar year.

Kane County Board Chairman Chris Lauzen said making just the right committee appointments is always difficult, and he approached the task with “an appropriate humility.”

“I know this is an imperfect proposal,” he said, but he emphasized that the committee appointments can be changed “in 12 short months,” if necessary.

Lauzen also took some time to praise the “steady excellence of the people who have been appointed” as well as the “enormous potential in some of our new members.”

He said the appointments were made in consideration of board members’ interests and skill sets — “honest competence is what our constituents are looking for,” he said — but the ratio of committee chairs reflects the political affiliation, gender and ethnicity of the 24-member board.

The board chairs include 14 Republicans and 10 Democrats. Half of the chairs are filled by female board members (nine of the 24 board members are women), and more than 57 percent of the board chairs are minorities (seven of 24 board members are minorities), Lauzen said.

“It’s a great thing that (the voters of Kane County) selected each one of you,” Lauzen said. “Honest competence is what our constituents are looking for, but for those who are interested, these selections are balanced.”



Chris Lauzen, Chairman




ADMINISTRATION — RON FORD, *Frasz, Allan, Barreiro, Gillam, Ishmael, Smith

AGRICULTURE — THOMAS “TR” SMITH, *Kenyon, Auger, Haimann, Lewis, Molina, Vazquez

COUNTY DEVELOPMENT — KURT KOJZAREK, *Barreiro, Davoust, Haimann, Martin, Pollock, Smith, plus ex-officios Frasz (Transportation Committee chair) and Kenyon (Forest Preserve District president)

ENERGY/ENVIRONMENTAL — BARBARA WOJNICKI, *Kenyon, Allan, Ishmael, Molina, Scheflow, Vazquez

EXECUTIVE — CHRIS LAUZEN, *Frasz, Allan, Barreiro, Castro, Ford, Gillam, Hoscheit, Kojzarek, Lenert, Pollock, Silva, Smith, Starrett, Wojnicki, Vazquez

FINANCE — JOHN HOSCHEIT, *Frasz, Allan, Barreiro, Castro, Smith, Starrett

HUMAN SERVICES — BILL LENERT, *Castro, Barreiro, Davoust, Ford, Martin, Scheflow

JOBS — THERESA BARREIRO, REBECCA GILLAM, Ford, Lenert, Molina, Pollock, Vazquez

JUDICIAL/PUBLIC SAFETY — CRISTINA CASTRO, *Silva, Barreiro, Davoust, Kojzarek, Martin, Pollock

LEGISLATIVE — BRIAN POLLOCK, SUSAN STARRETT, Haimann, Ishmael, Molina, Scheflow,

PUBLIC HEALTH — MONICA SILVA, *Starrett, Allan, Ishmael, Molina, Pollock, Vazquez

PUBLIC SERVICE — DEBORAH ALLAN, *Haimann, Auger, Lewis, Molina, Smith, Vazquez

TRANSPORTATION — DREW FRASZ, *Haimann, Hoscheit, Gillam, Lenert, Molina, Smith; plus ex-
officio Kojzarek (County Development Committee chair)




LABOR MANAGEMENT — LAUZEN, *Hoscheit, Barreiro, Frasz, Lenert

LEGAL AFFAIRS/CLAIMS — JOHN MARTIN, *Hoscheit, Allan, Auger, Pollock, Scheflow

LIQUOR COMMISSION — LAUZEN, *Haimann, Allan, Molina

RIVERBOAT GRANT — HOSCHEIT, *Kojzarek, Allan, Castro, Haimann, Lenert, Pollock