Survey Says! Please Take Our KCC Reader Satisfaction Poll
We sent an email last week asking folks to let us know how we’re doing so far, and what we can do to improve the Kane County Connects email newsletter in the coming year.
We’re hoping to use that information to build a better mousetrap, to make this experience top notch and to earn your continued subscription if not your enthusiastic recommendation to others.
Obviously, we want Kane County Connects to be the best it can be. One way to measure that is the quality of the content we provide. Another measure is how many people are tuned in. We have about 8,300 daily and weekly subscribers, which is an impressive number. But this outreach effort will really sing if it reaches 10,000. We need your help to get us there.
The best way you can do that is to give your feedback. If you’re a regular subscriber or former subscriber or possible future subscriber, please take a look at this survey and answer the 12 questions we pose. The whole exercise might take all of five minutes — at the most 10, if you take time to type some more-detailed responses.
Thanks again for making this so much fun and such a successful year. We look forward to serving you with even better outreach in 2015!
Rick Nagel
Outreach Coordinator
Dec. 23, 2014