'Up in Arms' Looks at Issues of Hunting, Conservation, Preservation and Wildlife

‘Up in Arms’ Looks at Issues of Hunting, Conservation, Preservation and Wildlife

If you’ve ever wrestled with the issues of conservation, preservation, hunting and wildlife, the “Up in Arms” program is for you!

The Kane County Forest Preserve District program takes a look at the topic from several vantage points and examines the questions: Who hunts and why? Can a naturalist be a hunter? Can a hunter be a naturalist? What influences our opinions of hunting? What ethical dilemmas are involved in hunting? How can we face the challenges these issues present?

This “Learn from the Experts” program is from 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 15, and is for ages 16 and up. The fee for this program is $10 per person and advance registration is required. Please call 630-444-3190 or e-mail programs@kaneforest.com to register.

This program is located at the Barbara Belding Lodge, within Brewster Creek Forest Preserve at 6N921 IL. Route 25, St. Charles.

For more information or to view a full roster of Forest Preserve nature programs, visit www.kaneforest.com.

SOURCE: Kane County Forest Preserve District