Improvements Coming to Forest Preserve North of Gilberts, Parks in Aurora, Hampshire
Freeman Kame – Meagher Forest Preserve in Gilberts will be getting a bit larger, thanks to a grant from the Illinois Department of Natural Resources. On Jan. 3, the IDNR announced three Kane County projects would receive funding for projects.
In addition to Freeman-Kame, the city of Aurora was awarded $400,000 to create an adventure playground in Phillips Park and Hampshire Township Park District was awarded $375,400 to renovate and add new facilities to Bruce Ream Park on the west side of Hampshire.
The Forest Preserve District of Kane County will receive a $568,500 grant from INDR’s Open Space Lands Acquisition Development program to help acquire a 75-acre parcel adjacent to the forest preserve.
Forest Preserve District staff will now enter into negotiations to acquire the important property, which fills in a missing piece on the southwest corner of the preserve. The new addition would create an approximately 1,340-acre preserve — the largest in the district.
Natural Resources Director Drew Ullberg and district staff are thrilled with the award to be able to increase the size of Freeman Kame.
“Not only will expanding the preserve conserve a unique gravel-hill prairie that somehow survived decades of haying, it will give us a chance to expand and enhance wetlands in the Freeman Kame-Meagher Forest Preserve,” Ullberg said.
“We’re always grateful to IDNR for their support of public open space through the OSLAD program,” said Monica Meyers, Kane County Forest Preserve District executive director. “This grant will allow us to maximize our investment in Gilberts and offer an unparalleled property in Kane County.”
OSLAD grants were awarded for 75 projects across Illinois.
“By investing in our parks and providing communities with more opportunities for recreation, we improve the quality of life for families while creating jobs and driving Illinois’ economy forward,” said Gov. Pat Quinn, during the Jan. 3 grants announcement.
About Freeman Kame-Meagher Forest Preserve
Present Size and Info
- 40W095 Freeman Road, Gilberts, IL 60136
- Approx. 1.3 miles west of Galligan Road
- Acreage = 1,264
- Total trail miles = 5.23
- Information: (630) 232-5980,
- Hours: Daily, Sunrise-Sunset
The Freeman Kame-Meagher Farm is some of Kane County’s most picturesque topography situated on the northern flank of the kettle-moraine complex north of Gilberts. Here we have the wet kettle pockets defined by the wooded kames and numerous hills and drumlins that create a panorama of habitats ranging from the spectacular to the cozy secluded nooks. This region holds the potential for a very large forest preserve of exceptionally attractive lands.
Freeman Kame is now our highest risk natural area and from “Wild Plants and Natural Areas,” “….40 acres of this exceptional mix of habitats that now provides a very valuable window to our past and a link to the protection of a host of wildlife forms. The quiet splendor and richness of this place transcends description, and it is a humbling experience to witness this interesting native pageant.”
Freeman Kame is located on Freeman Road.
Meagher is located between Powers Road and Freeman Road.
This preserve includes a horseback riding area. Most horse trails are natural surface, mowed grass paths. Limestone screenings trails and asphalt bike trails are available in some of the preserves. These are multi-use trails shared with runners, bicyclists, dog walkers etc. Horse riders are required to stay on designated, forest preserve-maintained trails. Trail riding is not allowed in restricted natural areas, Illinois Nature Preserves, picnic areas or in farmed areas. To prevent trail damage during wet weather, trails may be temporarily closed. Individual forest preserves will post a sign at the entrance when horse trails are closed. Trails are currently OPEN for equestrian use at this preserve.
SOURCES: Kane County Forest Preserve District press release and website, IDNR press release