21,000 Radon Deaths Per Year: Consider Professional Mitigation

21,000 Radon Deaths Per Year: Consider Professional Mitigation

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Now that you have had your home tested for dangerous levels of radon, the Kane County Healthy Places Coalition and Kane County Health Department recommend that it is important to take steps to reduce your exposure, a procedure called “mitigation,” if levels were found to be too high.

The Illinois Emergency Management Agency estimates that only about one-third of those homes in Kane County found to have radon levels above the federal standard of 4 pico curies per liter (written as 4pCi/l) actually have been mitigated. The cost to mitigate a home averages about $1,200 and is done by certified professionals. You can find a list of professionals in your area by visiting the IEMA website at http://www.radon.illinois.gov/

Throughout the month of January, the Health Department has promoted awareness of the dangers of radon gas as part of National Radon Action Month. The Health Department’s website contains a wealth of information about radon, including homeowners’ guidelines for reducing radon levels. Radon is a colorless, odorless, radioactive gas that occurs naturally from the breakdown of uranium and is the second leading cause of lung cancer, exceeded only by smoking.

Rocks and soil can contain uranium, which gives off radon gas. The gas can enter through cracks in homes/buildings/schools and expose people to the radiation. Because of the geology in the Midwestern United States, homes in Kane County have the potential for higher levels of radon.

The Health Department’s Community Health Improvement Plan targets chronic diseases such as cancer and the department recommends that all homes in Kane County be tested for radon if you haven’t already. Test kits are available for $15 from the Kane County Health Department and Kane County Development Office, as well as from most local hardware stores.

A Speakers Bureau has been created to offer free radon presentations to the community. CLICK HERE for the Kane County Health Department’s online Radon Presentation Request Form. Contact Terry Roman at 630-264-7653 or at RomanTerry@co.kane.il.us with questions. More information and resources about radon is available on the Health Department’s website radon page HERE. The Kane County Healthy Places is a group of community residents and stakeholders interested in environmental health.


Read More in Our Radon Series