A (WGN) Local Love Story, Just in Time for Valentine’s Day
Spoiler alert! If you don’t want to know who’s getting married Friday morning during WGN radio’s Steve Cochran’s live show in St. Charles, STOP READING NOW!
As Kane County Connects previously reported with our usual intrepidness (read: “copy/paste”), WGN’s truly intrepid morning-radio personality will be hosting a live wedding sometime between 5 a.m. and 9 a.m. at the Hotel Baker, 100 W. Main St., St. Charles.
Who are the betrothed, you ask? They are (drumroll, please): Thomas Tranckitello and Dawn Dollnig of Chicago, IL!
How do we know this?
Because the lucky (more on that later) couple came to Jack Cunningham’s fabulous Kane County Clerk’s Office on Wednesday afternoon to get a marriage license.
“We had the marriage license in Cook County, because we planned to get married there, and it didn’t expire until the end of February,” Dollnig said. “When this came up, we realized, ‘Oh my gosh, we have to get a license in Kane County!’ ”
And they had to get it pronto, because the gig at the Hotel Baker is early Friday. Of course, the Clerk’s Office folks were very happy to help. Dawn took the day off work for the occasion; We’re assuming Tom didn’t have to go into work because he is a retired Chicago police officer.
Friday’s wedding extravaganza is part of WGN’s “Hometown Voices Tour” presented by Allstate. Pete McMurray will join the Cochran show and officiate the wedding for the lucky couple.
And when we say lucky, we mean it on a lot of levels.
In this day and age — and in any day and age, when you think about it — they’re lucky simply to have found each other.
“A mutual friend introduced us,” Dawn said. “He said he just had a feeling about us. And his wife said he’s been wrong about everything else their whole life, but he was right about this.”
Dollnig & Tranckitello won the WGN contest with the sort of tag-team approach one might expect from a long-married couple. Tom said he was the one who told Dawn about the online contest, but quickly admitted Dawn was the one who actually entered it. He said someone from WGN called on Monday and gave them the good news.
They’re also lucky because they’ve won all kinds of cool stuff, including a one-night stay at the fabulous Hotel Baker, which they can claim at will. (“They said any time in the next year, so that will be nice,” Dawn said.) Their hosts are supplying food (pizza and wedding cake, Dawn said) and taking care of the arrangements. (“Flowers, hair, makeup, that kind of thing,” Dawn said.)
The wedding itself is expected to take place between 8 a.m. and 9 a.m. Friday.
“We’re getting married on Friday the 13th,” Tom noted, with a little gleam in his eye.
“And that makes it even better,” Dawn said. “My mother always said it was her lucky day.”
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