Be Cool, Be Trendy: Early Voting Starts Monday in Kane County

Be Cool, Be Trendy: Early Voting Starts Monday in Kane County

Want to be cool? Want to be on the upward curve of the trend line? Don’t vote often, but do vote early.

More and more people are doing exactly that. Why?

There are any number of good reasons, but mostly it’s about convenience. You vote when you want to, at a time that’s right for your schedule. You don’t have to wait in line or worry about bad weather on Election Day or if April 7 turns out to be the boss’s new deadline for the “project from heck” or if one you’re stuck at home because one of the kids came down with the flu.

There are more days, dates and locations in Kane County, so with a little forethought and a click on this link to a Kane County Early Voting PDF, you can plan a day and be on your way to getting the good feeling that comes with participating in the greatest democracy in the history of the civilized world.

Early voting for the April 7 Consolidated Election in Kane County starts Monday, March 23,  2015.

Basically, it allows voters to cast a full ballot before the observed election day. This upcoming April 7 election includes all kinds of hyper-local elections that truly affect your daily life and pocketbook — school boards, library boards, park boards, township boards, mayors and ward representatives, plus seven referendums throughout the county that you’ll want to understand before you say “yes” or “no.”

Early voting is conducted at assigned locations throughout Kane County. You may go to any one of these assigned locations to vote early. Early voting is NOT conducted at your usual polling place. Polling places will only be open for voting on the observed Election Day. Click here for exact dates, times, and locations for early voting.

The ballot is the same whether voting absentee, early or at the polling place on election day.

Click Here to view a PDF of Early Voting Locations and Dates for the 2015 Consolidated Election.


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