Heroin Forum Tuesday, March 10, at Batavia VFW
The Kane County Sheriff’s Office, Kane County Coroner’s Office and a local advocacy group called A Man in Recovery are hosting a Heroin Solutions Forum from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Tuesday, March 10, at the Batavia VFW, 645 South River St., Batavia, IL.
A Man in Recovery is led by Tim Ryan, a recovering heroin addict who has been “clean” for several years. Ryan has a unique perspective, through his own recovery and because he lost his son to what some people have called a heroin epidemic.
Ryan has devoted his life to helping one addict at a time.
“There are some great things going on out there on heroin awareness and education,” Coroner Rob Russell said. “Our focus is to support those efforts, work with the advocacy groups with an emphasis in arming people with possible solutions.
“Sheriff (Don) Kramer has been a staunch ally in trying to help families deal with the issue. I appreciate his concern and leadership in this fight.”
Invited guests include Congressman Randy Hultgren, Congressman Bill Foster, Carolyn Kacina (The Narcan Mom), as well as many others. There will also be demonstrations done by K9 Confidential (Drug Dog Detection) and Dare2Know (early drug-detection options).
Ryan will be discussing several of the intervention options that are available. There will be free gift bags for the first 300 guests.
For more information on the event, please visit www.amaninrecovery.org.
SOURCE: Kane County Coroner’s press release