Kane County, FVPD's New Citizens Police Academy Starts Wednesday

Kane County, FVPD’s New Citizens Police Academy Starts Wednesday

The Kane County Sheriffs Office and the Fox Valley Park District Police Department have teamed up for a free, 10-week Citizens Academy that will be taught by seasoned deputies and hosted at the Prisco Community Center, starting Wednesday.

Organizers said Thursday there are only about 10 spots left, so it’s important that you sign up soon to be a part of the experience.

The academy provides citizens the opportunity to learn how policing works in their own communities and to get a behind-the-scenes perspective of all aspects of law enforcement. Classes take place from 6 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Wednesdays, from March 11 to May 13. Classes will be held at the Prisco Community Center, 150 West Illinois Ave., Aurora, but three training sessions will be held at the Kane County Sheriff’s Office, 37W755 Illinois 38, St. Charles, IL 60175, according to the brochure.

Participating in interactive courses, CPA students will learn about patrol and investigations procedures, fraud detection, cyber crimes and many other topics. Graduates often go on to serve as volunteers for the Sheriff’s Office and other Kane County offices and departments.

To register, contact Kane County Outreach Coordinator Vanessa Aguirre at 630-762-2755 or EscutiaVanessa@co.kane.il.us. Applicants must pass a background check to register for the course.

The Kane County Sheriff’s Office has offered a Citizens Police Academy in past years, but this is the first year the office will partner with the Fox Valley Park District Police Department.

“The Citizen’s Police Academy is a program designed to give residents of Kane County a working knowledge of our department, including all relevant police procedures,” Aguirre said. “We partnered up with the Fox Valley Park District police because we feel that our partnership will allow us to connect with a greater number of citizens within our community.”

Citizens Police Academy

  • Cost: FREE
  • Times and Dates: 6 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Wednesday nights, March 11 to May 13
  • Location: Prisco Community Center, 150 West Illinois Ave., Aurora, IL 60506, with three days at the Kane County Sheriff’s Office, 37W755 Illinois 38, St. Charles, IL 60175
  • Registration Information: www.foxvalleyparkdistrict.org
  • Registration Number: 82150; *Acceptance of registration upon successful completion of background check.
  • Contact: Kane County Sheriff Community Outreach Coordinator Vanessa Aguirre at 630-762-2755

SOURCE: Kane County Sheriff’s Office