Maria Vazquez Lands on Energy, Jobs, Legislative and Public Health Committees
Kane County’s newest board member, Maria Vazquez, has landed on four key Kane County committees, Energy/Environmental, Jobs, Legislative and Public Health.
That announcement can Thursday, along with the addition of Deborah Allan to the Agriculture Committee and Michael Kenyon to the Public Service Committee.
Kane County is making an effort this year to keep up with a wide range of committee and commission appointments.
The following is an updated list of standing committees, chairs and members of Kane County Board committees.
ADMINISTRATION | FORD, *Frasz, Allan, Barreiro, Gillam, Ishmael, Smith |
AGRICULTURE | SMITH, *Kenyon, Allan, Auger, Haimann, Lewis, Molina, Vazquez |
COUNTY DEVELOPMENT | KOJZAREK, *Barreiro, Davoust, Haimann, Martin, Pollock, Smith, & ex-officio Frasz (Transportation Chair) & Kenyon (Forest Preserve Pres.) |
ENERGY/ENVIRONMENTAL | WOJNICKI, *Kenyon, Allan, Ishmael, Molina, Scheflow, Vazquez |
EXECUTIVE | LAUZEN, *Frasz, Allan, Barreiro, Castro, Ford, Gillam, Hoscheit, Kojzarek, Lenert, Pollock, Silva, Smith, Starrett, Wojnicki |
FINANCE | HOSCHEIT, *Frasz, Allan, Barreiro, Castro, Smith, Starrett |
HUMAN SERVICES | LENERT, *Castro, Barreiro, Davoust, Ford, Martin, Scheflow |
JOBS | BARREIRO, GILLAM, Ford, Lenert, Molina, Pollock, Vazquez |
JUDICIAL/PUBLIC SAFETY | CASTRO, *Silva, Barreiro, Davoust, Kojzarek, Martin, Pollock |
LEGISLATIVE | POLLOCK, STARRETT, Haimann, Ishmael, Molina, Scheflow, Vazquez |
PUBLIC HEALTH | SILVA, *Starrett, Allan, Ishmael, Molina, Pollock, Vazquez |
PUBLIC SERVICE | ALLAN, *Haimann, Auger, Kenyon, Lewis, Molina, Smith, Vazquez |
TRANSPORTATION | FRASZ, *Haimann, Hoscheit, Gillam, Lenert, Molina, Smith; & ex-officio Kojzarek (County Development Chair) |
COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT | HAIMANN, *Ford, Allan, Barreiro, Kojzarek |
LABOR MANAGEMENT | LAUZEN, *Hoscheit, Barreiro, Frasz, Lenert |
LEGAL AFFAIRS/CLAIMS | MARTIN, *Hoscheit, Allan, Auger, Pollock, Scheflow |
LIQUOR COMMISSION | LAUZEN, *Haimann, Allan, Molina |
RIVERBOAT GRANT | HOSCHEIT, *Kojzarek, Allan, Castro, Haimann, Lenert, Pollock |
**Meet On-Call Only Rev. 03/10/15