Health Department Holds First-Ever Disaster Response Workshop April 24

Health Department Holds First-Ever Disaster Response Workshop April 24


When a disaster strikes, several agencies across a broad spectrum will need to respond, and we do not want to get caught off guard. Too often, disasters require a public health response. That is why it is crucial the Health Department plan with these agencies before the unthinkable happens.

As a way to be prepared for emergencies, and to further connect with first responders and other community members from across the county, the Kane County Health Department Public Health Emergency and Response Program will be conducting its first Public Health Hazard Vulnerability Analysis Workshop on Friday, April 24.

The workshop will be held at the Northern Illinois Food Bank in Geneva.

The KCHD Public Health HVA Workshop will evaluate and identify the potential hazards, vulnerabilities, and risks in the community that relate to public health in Kane County.

By engaging and working with emergency management, fire, police, healthcare organizations, mental/behavioral health, community, and faith-based partners, we can provide assistance and guidance to ensure community engagement in public health preparedness efforts.

By working together with all our community partners we will be able to provide our residents with the best service possible.

SOURCE: Health Matters Newsletter CLICK HERE TO SUBSCRIBE!

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