Improve Your Lawn, Garden With Kane Farm Bureau's 3 Soil Tests

Improve Your Lawn, Garden With Kane Farm Bureau’s 3 Soil Tests

Homeowners looking to improve the fertility of their garden or get the greenest, lushest lawn can get their soil tested through Kane County Farm Bureau in St. Charles. Three tests are available providing a variety of information to help you make the most of your landscaping.

Why test your soil?

Soil in its natural state is rarely fertile enough for the best growth of plants. It’s best to replenish the earth’s store of plant nutrients to obtain the most vigorous lawn, most abundant and brilliant flowers and the greatest yield of fresh veggies. Ideally, soil should be tested every three to five years, more frequently with intensive use. Try to sample during the same season each time for the best comparison.

When is the best time to test soil?

Proper sampling is important to obtain accurate results. Samples can be taken during warmer months when soil temperatures are at least 55 degrees. If the soil is too wet to spade, rototill or hoe, it is generally too wet to take a sample. Extremely dry soil should not be sampled either.

How do I take a soil sample?

For one soil test, collect five soil samples by cutting a one inch hole about six inches deep (three inches deep for existing lawn).  You should have at least one cup of soil. Do not include any dead or live plant material in the sample. Place sample in a quart size sealable bag.  Deliver samples to Kane County Farm Bureau, Randall Rd. at Oak Street in St. Charles.  Results are sent directly to homeowners by mail.  A soil test form is available on the member benefits page at Call 630-584-8660 with questions.

Why Kane County Farm Bureau?

Kane County Farm Bureau was founded in 1912 as the Kane County Farm Improvement Association, to help farmers improve their production practices and increase the fertility and productivity of their soil. Soil testing for homeowners is an extension of that.

Soil test pricing

(Cash, check VISA or MasterCard accepted.)

  • Basic Test: $20 per sample for Kane County Farm Bureau members. $30 for non-members. This test checks for soil pH, phosphorus, and potassium.
  • Lawn/Garden Test: $30 per sample for Kane County Farm Bureau members; $40 for non-members. This test includes the basic test criteria plus organic matter and recommendations on amount and timing of fertilizer.
  • Lawn/Garden Plus: $50 per sample for members; $60 for non-members. This test includes the Lawn & Garden test plus micronutrients iron, zinc, manganese, copper, sulfur and boron.  This test also includes fertility recommendations.

SOURCE: Kane County Farm Bureau press release, website
