National Public Health Week: How Your ZIP Code Affects Your Well-Being

National Public Health Week: How Your ZIP Code Affects Your Well-Being

On this second day of National Public Health Week, The Kane County Health Department is joining communities around the country to recognize public health’s contributions and highlight issues that are important to improving our nation’s health.  This year’s theme is “Healthiest Nation 2030.” Each day during NPHW has its own theme, and Tuesday, April 7, is Starting from ZIP. 

The Health Department knows that where people live affects their well-being, and one way to follow the health of Kane County residents is to collect data from individual ZIP codes. The Kane County Health Department has been using local ZIP codes in a variety of ways. For example:

  • The collection of information regarding radon levels throughout the county. Some areas have higher levels than others. By examining the numbers by zip code, the Health Department can pinpoint geographic areas where the levels have greater risks.
  • The number of calls to the Illinois Quit Line, which are broken down by ZIP codes. Lower income residents tend to have higher rates of smoking. The Health Department can use this information to target those lower socio-economic areas for its tobacco messages.
  • The Community Health Assessment. That assessment carries a detailed picture of residents’ health in relation to where they live, giving the Health Department the opportunity to target those areas of the greatest need. Learn more by visiting

Today, your ZIP code says too much about your health. Within the United States, there are unacceptable disparities in health by race and ethnic group, state by state and even county by county. The effort to make the U.S. the Healthiest Nation in One Generation starts with equity across our communities. More information becoming the healthiest nation and about NPHW is available by visiting

SOURCE: Kane County Health Department