Geneva Parking Deck's Third Level Officially Open for Business

Geneva Parking Deck’s Third Level Officially Open for Business

Geneva is getting all decked out — literally in this case — as the spring weather turns warm.

The Third Street Commuter Parking Deck’s capacity officially increases by 180 spaces this weekend with the opening of the new third tier expansion.

Construction on the $4.5 million project began in August and was funded entirely by grants through Metra. The structure was shut down for six months before work was substantially completed in late January. The first two levels reopened to commuters and downtown visitors Feb. 1, but the third tier remained closed as crews had to wait for warmer weather to seal, stripe and paint the new addition; perform landscaping work; and finish other miscellaneous punch list items.

“The city is delighted to open the new third level of the Third Street Parking Deck and anticipates that it will be of great assistance for downtown and commuter parking,” City Administrator Mary McKittrick said. “We appreciate everyone’s patience throughout the project. We have outstanding partners in the community who graciously worked with the city while the deck was under construction, and we cannot thank them enough. We also are very grateful for the financial assistance provided by Metra and Union Pacific to fund this much needed project.”

The daily fee parking at the deck remains $2. Parking is free during the evening and weekends.

The total deck capacity is now 540 spaces. The facility was expanded in order to accommodate parking that will be lost as part of Union Pacific’s future plans to add a third rail line, which will remove some existing surface parking lots.

Union Pacific has performed some soil testing in the area and has begun some preliminary engineering on the project. No construction timetable has been presented to the City regarding the third rail line.

For more information about parking in downtown Geneva, visit the City’s website at

SOURCE: city of Geneva press release