Maple Park Police Keep Alive 'Flame of Hope' for Illinois Special Olympians

Maple Park Police Keep Alive ‘Flame of Hope’ for Illinois Special Olympians

If you carry a torch for the Maple Park Police Department, you’re not alone.

For the second year in a row, the department has been the top fund-raising group in the Illinois Law Enforcement Torch Run for Special Olympics. In 2014, the department raised the most money ever by an Illinois agency: $87, 566.

At Tuesday’s Kane County Board meeting, Judicial Committee Chair Cristina Castro presented an award and Kane County resolution honoring the efforts of Police Chief Michael Acosta, fellow fundraisers and Special Olympians with an award and resolution honoring their efforts.

“If you want to know the reason we do this every year, look at the smiles,” Acosta said.

Overall, 2014 was a record breaking year for the Torch Run, raising more than $3.7 million for Illinois Special Olympics, according to a story on the village of Maple Park website, which is presented below.


From the Village Maple Park Police Department Website

Will there be a “3-Peat” in the future for Maple Park Police Department? The Maple Park PD and community partners are very proud to announce they have taken the title of the top fund raising agency in the State for a second year in a row; a feat that has never happened before in the history of the Illinois Law Enforcement Torch Run for Special Olympics. In fact, in 2014 they raised the most money ever by an Illinois agency: $87, 566. Overall 2014 was a record breaking year for the Torch Run, raising more than $3.7 million for the Athletes of Special Olympics Illinois! This was nearly a $500,000 increase over 2013. This year Maple Park is striving to be the first department ever to reach $100,000.

But you ask, “How does a town of only 1,400 and a police department consisting of one full-time officer and seven part-time officers beat out other agencies such as the State Police and Chicago PD?” Maple Park has a great team of motivated community volunteers and history of reaching out to those in need. The fundraisers held are sponsored by local companies and well attended by the community.

Maple Park Police Department epitomizes creative thinking with their fundraisers, hosting signature events such as the “Pulling for Special Olympics Sport Clay/Trap Shoot” being held on May 17th at the St. Charles Sportsman’s Club, the famous “Wheel of Meat” which is held in July at the Maple Park Pub and Grill, “100 Yard Marathon” (aka local pub crawl) hosted by Bootlegger’s, HD Rockers and Maple Park Pub and “Crazy Quail Shoot” hosted by the Goodenough Family in September, only to name a few. Additionally, you will see this dedicated group at local venues selling Harley Tickets and Special Olympic merchandise wherever you find a crowd like at Elburn Days and the monthly Kane County Flea Market. Most importantly, Special Olympic athletes always play a prominent role in each of their events.  For more information, call Colleen MacRunnels directly at 630/365-2943.




WHEREAS, Maple Park Police Department is a Subscriber to Kane County’s Emergency Communications Department (KaneComm); and

WHEREAS, we recognize Maple Park Police Department for being the first police department in the State of Illinois to win the Flame of Hope award two consecutive years; and

WHEREAS, the Flame of Hope award is given to the police department that raises the most money for the Law Enforcement Torch Run for Special Olympics; and

WHEREAS, the Maple Park Police Department during the Law Enforcement Torch Run for

Special Olympics raised $63,195 in 2013 and $87,515 in 2014.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Kane County Board hereby recognizes the

Maple Park Police Department and Chief Michael Acosta for their dedication, commitment, knowledgeablem and unselfish service to the citizens of Kane County and the Special Olympics.

Passed by the Kane County Board on May 12, 2015.