Solar Pedestrian Lights, Sidewalks to Be Installed May 4 on Kirk Road in Geneva

Solar Pedestrian Lights, Sidewalks to Be Installed May 4 on Kirk Road in Geneva

Kirk Rd - IL Prairie Bike Path Geneva Spur Ped Signals loc map

Starting the week of May 4, 2015, the installation of pedestrian warning lights will begin at Kirk Road at the Illinois Prairie Path crossing, approximately 1,500 feet north of Averill Circle in Geneva.

Construction work hours will be from 7 a.m. until 3 p.m. each day for the next three to four weeks, weather permitting. The work will consist of the installation of sidewalk upgrades at the crossing with Kirk Road, updated road marking and solar warning lights

Temporary daily lane closures along the roadway and bike path Monday thru Saturday may be required to accomplish this work.

Please watch for workers ahead, flaggers, and reduced speed while traveling through the construction zone. Bicyclists and motorists should expect minor delays and possible increased travel times during the installation of the warning lights.

This is the second project on Kirk Road that starts on May 4. The intersection of Kirk Road and Douglas Road will get resurfacing and widening starting Monday, May 4. That project is expected to last about three months.

Questions and concerns may be directed to John Guddendorf at (630) 816-9671. For all Kane County Traffic Advisories, see KDOT Traffic Alerts.