4-H Small Pets Show July 7 at Kane County Fairgrounds
Curious about critter companions? Meet a variety of pets, learn more about small pet choices and see 4-H youth demonstrate animal care skills at the Kane County 4-H Small Pets Show Tuesday evening, July 7, at the Kane County Fairgrounds in St. Charles.
“4-H members work on their projects and care for their animals throughout the year,” said Doris Braddock, 4-H Youth Development Program coordinator. “A lot of time and effort goes into each small pet project, which may range from mice and guinea pigs to lizards and snakes. During the show, the judge will ask questions about the small pet and the 4‑H’ers skills in caring for the animal.”
Small Pets Show judging will begin at 5 p.m. in the Dining Hall of Robinson Hall. The Kane County Fairgrounds are located at 525 S. Randall Road in St. Charles.
4-H is part of University of Illinois Extension. It is a community of young people across America learning leadership, citizenship, and life skills. If you are interested in learning more about 4-H in Kane County, contact Doris Braddock at 630-584-6166 or at dbraddoc@illinois.edu.
To learn more about University of Illinois Extension in your county, visit web.extension.illinois.edu/dkk/. University of Illinois Extension provides educational programs and research-based information to help Illinois residents improve their quality of life, develop skills and solve problems.
SOURCE: 4-H press release