East Aurora School District 131 Moves to Committee Structure

East Aurora School District 131 Moves to Committee Structure

The East Aurora School District 131 Board of Education will resume meeting in a committee structure, starting immediately. The Board of Education will have four committees: Buildings & Grounds, Curriculum, Finance, and Personnel/Policy.

That’s different than the meeting structure of some Kane County school districts and units of government, and similar to others. Some units of local government have eliminated committees in order to streamline the process and cut down on the number of public meetings. The city of Geneva, for example, holds a full board meeting and Committee of the Whole meeting every other week. Kane County government, on the other hand, has a number of committees made up and chaired by County Board members that meet and discuss agenda items then pass the item along for a vote from the full board.

Screen Shot 2015-07-06 at 3.26.51 PMThe District 131 Board of Education will hold its regular meeting at 7 p.m. tonight (Monday, July 6) in the McKnight School Service Center, 417 Fifth Street. Prior to that meeting, the Board of Education Curriculum Committee will meet at 5 p.m., also in the McKnight School Service Center.

Committee meetings will be used for detailed discussions of items that may eventually move to the full board for consideration. Agendas and minutes for all of the Board of Education committees can be found on the district’s website. You can link to all committees directly here.

Board Meetings Set Dates for Committees

All members of the District 131 Board of Education meet on the first and third Mondays of the month, except when that Monday is a holiday. The full schedule for board meetings is available here. The date of the full board meetings affects when the committees will meet.

The Curriculum Committee will meet at 5 p.m. on the same day as the first Board meeting of the month. A calendar of all Curriculum Committee meeting dates as well as minutes and agendas can be found here.

The Buildings & Grounds Committee will meet at 4:30 p.m. on the Wednesday following the first Board meeting. The committee will meet for the first time Wednesday, July 8. A calendar of all Buildings & Grounds Committee meeting dates as well as minutes and agendas can be found here.

The Personnel/Policy Committee will meet at 6 p.m., also on the Wednesday following the first Board meeting. The committee will meet for the first time Wednesday, July 8. A calendar of all Personnel/Policy Committee meeting dates as well as minutes and agendas can be found here.

The Finance Committee will meet at 4:30 p.m. on the Tuesday of the week following the first Board meeting. The committee will meet for the first time Tuesday, July 14. A calendar of all Finance Committee meeting dates as well as minutes and agendas can be found here.

No Board Work Sessions

In September 2014, the Board of Education moved from four committees to a work session held prior to a Board meeting. The Board will no longer hold the work session.

All Board of Education meetings and committee meetings will take place at the McKnight School Service Center, 417 Fifth Street. All board and committee meetings are open to the public.

East Aurora School District 131 Board of Education

The public schools belong to the people. The people govern the schools under rights guaranteed to them under the Constitution and statutes of the State of Illinois. The people select seven school board members to represent their voice in governing schools.

The School Board of East Aurora School District 131 is responsible for public education, preschool through 12. The Board of Education’s power and duties include the authority to adopt, enforce and monitor all policies for the management and governance of schools.

All regular Board of Education meetings are held on the first and third Mondays at 7 p.m. in the board room at the McKnight School Service Center located at 417 Fifth Street, Aurora, IL 60505. If the first or third Monday falls on a holiday, the meeting is held on a Tuesday.

The Board of Education also meets in four committees: Buildings & Grounds, Curriculum, Finance and Personnel/Policy. The schedules, agendas and minutes for those meetings can be found using the “Board Committees” button on the District 131 website.

SOURCE: School District 131 press release and website
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