I See a Dead Animal: Who Should I Call? And More KCAC FAQs

I See a Dead Animal: Who Should I Call? And More KCAC FAQs

“I see dead people.” OK, that’s something we can’t help you with.

But if you see a dead animal in Kane County, that’s something entirely different and a lot more actionable. What are you supposed to do in that case? Kane County Animal Control has answers to those frequently asked questions on its website. Highlighted below are three questions regarding what to do if you see an injured animal, an animal you think might have rabies or one that is deceased.

The Kane County Animal Control website is new and improved! To read more FAQs and find valuable information about pets and wild animals in Kane County, visit kanecountypets.com.

Q: I see an injured animal. Who should I contact?

A: For critically injured domestic animals (dogs, cats, etc) and most wildlife (raccoons, opossums, rabbits), call the respective authority.

Sick dog with bandages lying on bedIf the location of the injured animal is within city limits, your first point of contact must be your local authorities. Your local police or animal control will work in conjunction with KCAC to resolve the situation.

If the animal is located in an unincorporated area of Kane County, KCAC will pick up the animal if it can be confined. If the animal cannot be contained, you can call KCAC at 630-232-3555 to report the sighting.

Some larger wild animals, such as wolves, are protected under Illinois state law, and are handled by the Illinois Department of Natural Resources (IDNR). They may be contacted at 847-608-3100, or you may view their website at http://www.dnr.illinois.gov/Pages/default.aspx

Critically injured deer, such as those that have been struck by a vehicle, are handled by the police department of the city they were struck in, or in unincorporated areas, by the Kane County Sheriff’s Department, at 630-232-8400.

Q: I see an animal that looks like it has rabies. What should I do?

A: Thankfully, because of widespread vaccination efforts, rabies is uncommon in Illinois. However, cases of rabies in animals are still present in Illinois and throughout the rest of the United States. For information on the rabies virus itself, consult our entry on how many rabid animals KCAC finds each year.

If you see an animal that looks like it may be exhibiting rabies symptoms, do not approach it. If the animal is within city limits, call your local police department or animal control to have the animal captured for rabies testing. In unincorporated areas, call KCAC at 630-232-3555 to make a report. If possible, the animal will be captured and submitted to the state for rabies testing.

Q: I see a dead animal. What should I do?

A: If the deceased animal is on your property, you may dispose of it along with your regular waste. Wearing gloves, put the animal in two refuse bags in order to deter dead squirrel in roadother animals from approaching it, and it may be disposed of like any other household waste.

If the deceased animal is on a roadway or its easement, contact the city’s public works department, or the county highway department at 630-584-1170 if it is in an unincorporated area.

In the summertime, if you see a sick or dead bird with no signs of physical injury, you may contact the Kane County Health Department at 630-444-3040 to arrange for the bird to be tested for West Nile Virus.

SOURCE: Kane County Animal Control website