Photo Story: KDOT 2015 Construction Update — Anderson, Randall, Stearns and More

Photo Story: KDOT 2015 Construction Update — Anderson, Randall, Stearns and More

Each month, the Kane County Division of Transportation provides an excellent update of the projects underway, but a lot of people probably never see it because it’s usually deep in a Transportation Committee agenda packet that can be as long as a couple hundred pages.

So we’re providing a little of that visual tour here, with photos and updates that should be of keen interest to anyone living and/or driving in the vicinity of these projects. You can read the full report by clicking this link to the Transportation Committee agenda packet and scrolling down until you find the good stuff.

Some of the news from this picture tour?

  • Officials hope to have construction work on Old Anderson Road from Prairie Street to IL Route 38 done in time to open for the new school year in August.
  • The long-awaited wayside horns could be up and ready to go by the end of the month.
  • Several projects are anticipated to be completed by August or by fall, depending on the weather.

In other action at Tuesday’s Transportation Committee meeting, the committee:

  • Gave its Transportation Fiscal Year 2016 budget report. The county is planning 74 projects for 2016 and asked for about $19 million less than the previous year.
  • Approved for full County Board consideration an intergovernmental agreement with the state of Illinois for construction of the first phase (A-1) of Longmeadow Parkway corridor construction, from Huntley Road to Randall Road.
  • OK’d a resolution approving supplemental appropriation for a Randall Road and Huntley Road signal interconnect.

New Anderson Road

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CAPTION: Pneumatic tankers distribute kiln dust while mixers then work the material into the soil to stabilize the soil for portions of the new Anderson Road.

Anderson Road Gutters, Keslinger Road Widening

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CAPTION: Crews work on fine grading and curb and gutter for Anderson Road and widening on Keslinger Road.

UPDATE: Anderson Road, IL Route 38 to Keslinger Road — Reconstruction work continues on Old Anderson Road from Prairie Street to IL Route 38 in order to have it open for the new school year in August. Soil stabilization, site grading and new curb and gutter along new Anderson Road has kept crews busy the past few weeks. Earth moving operations have also resumed as crews continue to shape and grade the new roadway. Work on Keslinger Road has resumed with the installation of new curb and gutter and pavement widening. Completion is anticipated for late 2015/early 2016, weather dependent.

Plank Road Realignment

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CAPTION: Crews work on pavement widening and traffic signal writing for the Plank Road realignment project.

UPDATE: Plank Road Realignment — Asphalt placement, pavement reconstruction and electrical traffic signal work have been ongoing the last few weeks and will continue through July. Completion of the project is anticipated to occur in late summer 2015.

Stearns Road, IL Route 25 Project by IDOT

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CAPTION: Crews continue work on roadway pavement, the new Union Pacific Railroad bridge and begin reconstruction of IL Route 25 south of Stearns Road for the Stearns 3A Widen and Reconstruction project being built by the Illinois Department of Transportation.

UPDATE: IL 25/Stearns Road (Stage 3A), Dunham Road to south of Stearns Road (Construction by IDOT) — Crews have been working on removing pavement, grading and traffic signal work on IL Route 25 south of the Stearns/IL 25 intersection. IDOT anticipates periodic full road closures in the future and a press release will be distributed accordingly. Project completion is anticipated for mid-2016.

Kirk Road at Douglas Road Interchange Project

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CAPTION: Crews pour curb and gutter as part of the widening for the Kirk Road at Douglas Road at Douglas Road intersection reconstruction project.

UPDATE: Kirk and Douglas Intersection Improvement — Crews are working on the new construction on Douglas and Kirk Roads. Project completion is anticipated for August 2015, weather dependent.

Randall Road Yellow-Signal Installation, Improvements

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CAPTION: Crews work at multiple intersections preparing the existing traffic signals for the new equipment which will convert them to flashing yellow signals on Randall Road from Fabyan Parkway to Silver Glen.

UPDATE: Randall Road from Fabyan Parkway to Silver Glen Flashing Yellow lights improvement — Crews continue work on upgrading existing equipment and facilities to prepare them for the new signal heads and signage that will be installed as part of the improvement. Crews will start working on setting new poles and signals at intersections in the coming weeks. This work will involve scheduled intersection interruptions to allow crews to install the new equipment. Staff will keep the public and municipalities informed via the use of CMBs, our website and press releases as needed. Completion is anticipated for late fall 2015.

LaFox Road Location for Wayside Horns

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CAPTION: Crews work on drilling and setting foundations for the handholds and cabinet base at the LaFox Road location for the wayside horns project.

UPDATE: Wayside Horns Improvement — Staff continues to work diligently with the contractor and the UPRR to move this project along. The contractor is pouring the foundations for the control boxes and working on the new wiring for the horn assemblies at both locations. Completion is anticipated for early fall 2015.

Stearns Road HSIP Project

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CAPTION: Crews assemble and lay steel conduit along Stearns Road for the Stearns HSIP project.

UPDATE: Stearns HSIP Traffic Signal Improvement project — Crews continue to trench in the steel conduit along Stearns Road for the new traffic signal communication lines that will installed later in 2016, pending completion of the IDOT run Stearns Road Stage 3A project.

Jericho Road Blackberry Bridge Project

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CAPTION: Crews continue with water main relocation on the Jericho Road over Blackberry Creek bridge replacement project.

UPDATE: Jericho Road over Blackberry Creek — Crews continue to work on the water main relocation which will now continue through July. Upon completion of the water main, crews will concentrate on the bridge demolition and replacement. Project completion is anticipated for fall 2015.

Burlington Creek Bridge Replacement

Screen Shot 2015-07-21 at 10.09.54 AMCAPTION: Crews work on bridge demolition and water diversion for the Walker Road over Burlington Creek bridge replacement project.

UPDATE: Walker Road over Burlington Creek — Crews started the bridge demolition and creek diversion. Project completion is anticipated for fall 2015, weather permitting.

Building Addition of KDOT Arterial Operations Center

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CAPTION: Crews continue work for the building addition which will house the county’s Arterial Operations Center at the DCOT offices on Burlington Road.

UPDATE: Arterial Operations Center — Crews are concentrating on completing the basement and walls for the building addition. Upcoming work will concentrate on completing the structure to provide a weather proof area for crews to begin working on the interior components of the building addition. Project completion is anticipated for late early 2016.

SOURCE: Kane County Division of Transportation agenda packet