Route 31 'Road Diet' Is Just About Complete in Geneva

Route 31 ‘Road Diet’ Is Just About Complete in Geneva

“You look mah-velous!”

That’s how Billy Crystal’s Fernando character might describe Route 31 in Geneva now that IDOT’s contractor has put down the new Route 31 “road diet” lane configuration striping.

Screen Shot 2015-07-27 at 11.17.18 AMAccording to a city of Geneva press release, the “road diet” reduces the number of traffic lanes from four to two (plus a center turn lane) from Elizabeth Place to just south of Forest View Drive. The original four lanes of traffic remain in place from Forest View Drive heading south into Batavia.

Although it’s called a “diet” because it reduces the number of lanes, the configuration makes the lanes wider. One of the complaints about Route 31 is that the lanes were so narrow.

A Geneva citizen group working with their ward alderman proposed the “road diet” as a way to improve safety in the area. The Geneva City Council recommended the plan to IDOT, which granted final approval on how to stripe the state highway.

Once the Route 31 lane markings are completed, crews will finish any punch list items associated with the resurfacing project. Construction is expected to wind down by month’s end, weather permitting.

For more information about the state project or to subscribe for updates, visit the city’s website at the link below.

Click Here for the Route 31 Road Construction Webpage

SOURCE: City of Geneva press release