Fall Homeschool Nature Programs Begin Sept. 9

Fall Homeschool Nature Programs Begin Sept. 9

Join the Kane County Forest Preserve District of Kane County this fall its our popular nature program series, “Homeschool Explorations.”

Each month, our homeschool program focuses on a different topic at a different forest preserve, allowing homeschool children to interact with local nature areas and learn about varying themes.

Kane County FOrest Preserve District logoIn September, the focus is on the Illinois prairie. This program is from 10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Wednesday, Sept. 9, at Dick Young Forest Preserve. The preserve is located at 39W115 Main St., Batavia.

In October, the theme is “From Acorn to Oak.” The program runs from 10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Wednesday, Oct. 14, at Elburn Forest Preserve, 45W061 IL Route 38, Maple Park.

And in November, the class will study “Nature Art.” The program is from 10 a.m. 11:30 a.m. Wednesday, Nov. 11, at the Barbara Belding Lodge at Brewster Creek, 6N921 IL Rte. 25, St. Charles.

All ages are welcome to register for “Homeschool Explorations,” but the programs are geared toward children ages 5-10. Registration is required and is $2 per person, per program. Call 630-444-3190 or e-mail programs@kaneforest.com to sign-up.

For more information on Forest Preserve District nature programs, visit www.kaneforest.com.

SOURCE: Kane County Forest Preserve District press release