Blue Mass Celebrates Kane County Area Law Enforcers at Holy Angels in Aurora

Blue Mass Celebrates Kane County Area Law Enforcers at Holy Angels in Aurora

The Knights of Columbus are sponsoring a “Blue Mass” at 7 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 17, at Holy Angels Catholic Church in Aurora in honor of first-responders throughout the area.

“The event this year comes at a time when law enforcement appears to be under attack,” said Ty Simmons of the Knights of Columbus Council #4849. “Everyone is invited to attend this event and worship in appreciation of our first-responders, their families and the safety and security they provide.”

Holy Angels Church is located at 120 S. Lancaster Ave., Aurora.

The Blue Mass, referring to the blue uniforms worn by many public safety personnel, dates back to 1934, and is a venerable tradition in many dioceses. Although it is a celebration of a traditional Catholic Mass, the event itself is nondenominational and all are invited.

“This Mass calls forth in us a greater awareness of, and gratitude for, the lives of those who serve and protect us so faithfully,” Simmons said. “In previous years, we have had representatives from several area departments, including Aurora, Oswego, Montgomery, Kane County, Aurora Fire Department and the Illinois State Police.”