Forest Preserve Gets Spooky in the Woods Friday Night, ‘Trunk or Treat’ Saturday
It’s getting spooky out in the woods of Kane County. Crows are cawing, storytellers are preparing to tell spine-chilling, and goblins are emerging from tree trunks.
Things get creepy from 8 p.m. to 9 p.m. Friday night, Oct. 30, when the annual “Scary Stories in the Woods” program takes place at Creek Bend Nature Center, in LeRoy Oakes Forest Preserve, St. Charles. Professional storytellers from the St. Charles Public Library will tell tales around the campfire under the old oak trees in the woods. These scary stories will send shivers up your spine!
Due to the spooky nature of the stories, this program is for ages eight through adult. The program is free, but advance registration is required. Call 630-444-3190 or email
And finally, for the youngest set, there will be “Trunk or Treat” at Creek Bend Nature Center on Halloween, Oct. 31, from 1 – 4 p.m. Little goblins and princesses, batmen and zombies, and all costumed kids are welcome to stop by for nature games and activities in the nature center. And, of course, there will be treats! There is no charge for the program.
Creek Bend Nature Center is located in LeRoy Oakes Forest Preserve, 37W700 Dean Street, St. Charles.
Don’t miss these fun Halloween happenings!
For more information about these and other programs in the Forest Preserve District of Kane County, visit our website<http://www.
SOURCE: Kane County Forest Preserve District press release