Join the 2,000 Kids Learning About Local Farms and Food at Farm Bureau’s Ag Day
Want your fourth graders to know where their food comes from? Why natural resources like water and soil are important? How the source of all things in their daily life is either agriculture or mining? Here’s a chance for them to ask questions of people in dozens of careers, in the job field that feeds us all — in a fun, interactive way.
And while the event might seem a long time off, now is the time for teachers and parents to sign up.
“As many as 2,000 fourth-grade students and their teachers from Kane County elementary schools attend this agricultural exhibit in celebration of National Agriculture Week,” according to the Kane County Farm Bureau website. “The exhibit includes presenters from many facets of the agriculture industry, an indoor farm zoo and an outdoor farm equipment showcase.”
Now is the time to sgn up for Kane County Farm Bureau’s 31st Annual Ag Days held at Mooseheart Fieldhouse near Batavia on March 15 and March 16, 2016. Students get to talk to farmers about their jobs, play interactive games and see farm animals and modern farm machinery.
“There’s no cost for this two-hour field trip,” noted Suzi Myers, ag literacy coordinator. “We’ll send you a lesson to get them ready for the experience.”
To register, contact Suzi Myers at 630-584-8660 or by email at for more information.
About the Kane County Farm Bureau
The Kane County Farm Bureau was one of the first county farm bureaus in the nation to organize and has a date of 1912 on its charter. The Farm Bureau is a voice for farmers and others who have a vested interest in agriculture. Its mission is to enhance the quality of life for member families, promote all aspects of agriculture and advocate good stewardship of our land and resources. For more information, visit the Kane County Farm Bureau website or call the office at (630) 584-8660. The office is located at 2N710 Randall Road, St. Charles, IL, 60174.
About the Kane County Regional Office of Education
Led by Regional Superintendent of Schools Patricia Dal Santo, The Kane County ROE is located in Geneva and serves nine school districts. From teacher license assistance to professional development, the ROE’s mission is to advocate for education, provide leadership and perform regulatory functions. Learn more about the ROE’s offerings on Facebook, Twitter and by signing up for the semimonthly newsletter.