Judge For Yourself: Kids Have a Blast in Courts' Family Reading Night

Judge For Yourself: Kids Have a Blast in Courts’ Family Reading Night

reading night storytime Judges Parkhurst Downs Moran

Pictured left to right: Associate Judges William Parkhurst, Christine Downs and Katherine Moran ready to read at Kane County Law Library & Self Help Legal Center’s 17th Annual Family Reading Night with the Judges. Photo credit: Halle Cox

Never underestimate the power of a good story.

The Kane County Law Librar & Self Help Legal Center’s 17th annual Family Reading Night with the Judges on Wednesday, Nov. 18, 2015, was a primo pajama party by any standards.

Judges Bill Parkhurst, Christine Downs and Katherine Moran of the 16th Judicial Circuit shared some of their favorite bedtime storybooks with more than 50 local youth from Kane County.

After the story time, children were invited to tour a courtroom and sit in a judge’s chair.

The event proved once again to be a great way for the general public to see the inside of the Kane County Judicial Center, meet local judges and have a fun family night out. Family Reading night is an annual statewide event sponsored by the Illinois Secretary of State and State Librarian Jesse White and Illinois Center for the Book

SOURCE: Kane County Law Library press release

Associate Judge Parkhurst reads Quiet as a Cricket by Audrey Wood during the 17th annual Kane County Law Library & Self Help Legal Center’s Family Reading Night with the Judges. Photo credit: Ellen Schmid

About the Kane County Law Library

Located within the Kane County Judicial Complex, the Kane County Law Library is open not only to attorneys and government employees, but to the public as well. Patrons may frequent the library Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. or Wednesdays between 8:30a.m. and 8:00p.m. Though mainly a reference library housing the county’s core of legal research materials, some publications may be checked out for up to a two week period. The library also offers the service of inter-library loaning items that are not within its own collection. A copier is available for public use for a minimal fee.

About the Illinois Center for the Book

Screen Shot 2015-11-17 at 10.20.08 AMThe Illinois Center for the Book is a programming arm of the Illinois State Library that promotes reading, writing and author programs with the following mission: Nurturing and connecting readers and writers, and honoring our rich literary heritage.

The Illinois Center for the Book was incorporated in 1985, making it the third affiliate of the Center for the Book in the Library of Congress. Today, there is a State Center for the Book in all 50 states, as well as the District of Columbia and the U.S. Virgin Islands. These Center for the Book affiliates carry out the national Center’s mission in their local areas, sponsor programs that highlight their area’s literary heritage and call attention to the importance of books, reading, literacy and libraries.

For more information about the Illinois Center for the Book, please call 217-558-2065 or email bmatheis@ilsos.net.

About the Illinois State Library

The Illinois State Library is the principal information resource for state government. The library has a collection of more than 5 million items and subscribes to numerous electronic databases and services that allow patrons access to thousands of additional resources. The State Library serves as regional federal documents depository, maintains an authoritative collection of historic and contemporary Illinois documents, and houses more than 185,000 maps.