5 ECC Faculty Members to Receive National Award for Excellence

5 ECC Faculty Members to Receive National Award for Excellence

NISOD 2015 Award Winners

From left to right: Kenny Beynon, Fred Vogt, Elizabeth Becker, Elizabeth McNulty, and Tim Anderson. CREDIT: Elgin Community College

Five Elgin Community College faculty members will be recognized by the National Institute for Staff and Organizational Development for their teaching and leadership excellence in institutions of higher education.

Recipients of the 2016 NISOD Award for Excellence are:

  • Tim Anderson, assistant professor II of speech;
  • Elizabeth Becker, professor II of biology;
  • Kenny Beynon, assistant professor I of mathematics;
  • Elizabeth McNulty, associate professor I of English as a Second Language; and
  • Fred Vogt, assistance professor II of biology.

The recipients will be honored at either the NISOD Annual Convention or the League for Innovation Conference next year.

Additionally, all five recipients’ names were also submitted to receive the John and Suanne Roueche Excellence Award.

SOURCE: Elgin Community College news release


Founded in 1978, NISOD is an organization dedicated to the professional development of faculty, administrators, and staff; and to the continued improvement of teaching and learning, with the ultimate goal of student success. NISOD has members from more than 700 community colleges around the world. For more information, visit the NISON website.

About Elgin Community College

Serving more than 17,000 students and with a main campus located mid-way between Chicago and Rockford in the Fox River Valley, ECC is one of premier community colleges in the state of Illinois. Thirteen buildings grace a picturesque 217-acre campus, where learning is enhanced by the latest equipment, Internet and wireless access and computer instruction across the curricula. For more information, visit the ECC website or Facebook page.