Are You Sirius? Point Out the Brightest Star at Midnight on New Year's Eve

Are You Sirius? Point Out the Brightest Star at Midnight on New Year’s Eve

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CREDIT: EarthSky News

What’s that line from It’s a Wonderful Life? “Aaaah, youth is wasted on the wrong people!” Something like that.

So, if you’re young and looking to steal a kiss on New Year’s Eve, here’s a not-so-smooth tip from a not-so-smooth old-timer.

Point up to the stars. Can you spot Orion’s belt in the constellation? OK, now look in the direction Orion’s belt is pointing, and you’ll see the brightest star in the sky.

That’s Sirius. I’m sure you can work in some Harry Potter references at that point, but as that same old-neighbor character says in It’s a Wonderful Life, “Why don’t you kiss her instead of talking her to death?”

According to EarthSky News, Sirius reaches its highest point in the sky around midnight. And while it’s called the Dog Star, it could be called the “New Year’s Star” because Sirius “celebrates the birth of 2016 and every new year by reaching its highest point in the sky around the stroke of midnight … this year, and every year,” EarthSky says.

To be fair, “midnight” is actually the middle of the night, in astronomers’ terms, but you’ll be able to see it just fine as the clock strikes 12.

And who’s to quibble about a thing like that on New Year’s Eve?

SOURCE: EarthSky News