Aurora Mourns Sudden Death of Police Cmdr. Joe Groom, 50

Aurora Mourns Sudden Death of Police Cmdr. Joe Groom, 50

The city of Aurora and the Aurora Police Department are mourning the loss of APD Cmdr. Joseph Groom, who died suddenly this morning (Wednesday, Dec. 9., 2015).

Born and raised in Aurora, Cmdr. Groom, 50, faithfully served and protected the Aurora community for the last 26 years. First appointed to the Aurora Police Department in 1989, Groom worked his way through the ranks to his most recent position as Investigations Division commander.

Groom, Joseph

Cmdr. Joseph Groom

“The sudden and shocking passing of Cmdr. Groom is a loss to our entire city,” said Aurora Mayor Tom Weisner. “I had the honor of getting to know Joe quite well in recent years. He definitely was a class act who was fiercely loyal to his hometown. Even before he was born and raised here, his family served our community for decades. Joe then took the baton, ran with it and he certainly made Aurora a better place during his time with us. On behalf of all Aurorans, I wish to express sincere condolences to his wife, Kim, his children and the entire Groom family and assure them that they are in our prayers.”

Kane County State’s Attorney Joe McMahon said his office was shocked with the sad news of Groom’s unexpected death, and his thoughts and prayers are with Kim and their family, “whom he often talked about with so much pride and adoration.”

“Joe Groom was a friend of so many people in the Kane County State’s Attorney’s Office, and we will miss his sense of humor and friendship,” McMahon said. “As an assistant state’s attorney, I worked with Joe on many cases, including one in which he was the target of a crime. As state’s attorney, I saw his humble and graceful leadership in his role as a commander for the men and women of the Aurora Police Department.

“Joe was a cop’s cop, and an investigator who was held in high regard for his thoroughness and integrity. Joe Groom was a police officer to be proud of, born and raised in Aurora, a Marmion guy and a friend we will miss.”

With his trademark bright smile, hearty laugh, firm handshake and genuine nature, Groom earned unmatched respect and admiration from community members and police officers alike. From the students who learned their first DARE lessons in elementary school from him to his fellow colleagues who were mentored and inspired by him daily, Commander Joe Groom set an example by raising the standards across the board.

Interim Police Chief Paul Nelson said, “The loss of Commander Joe Groom is devastating to the entire city, the law enforcement profession, and to the men and women of the Aurora Police Department. Joe was an outstanding and compassionate police officer, community servant and close friend. As proud as he was of being an Aurora Police Officer, it paled in comparison to the pride Joe had for his wife Kimberly, his children; and his parents, brothers, and sisters. He was the epitome of a family man and our thoughts and prayers are with them at this most difficult time.”

Commander Groom was a 1983 graduate of Marmion Academy and earned an Associate’s Degree in Criminal Justice from Waubonsee Community College in 1987. He went on to graduate Magna Cum Laude in 1988 from Western Illinois University with Bachelors of Arts Degrees in both Law Enforcement Administration and History from Western Illinois University. He also attended the Police Executive Research Forum’s Senior Management Institute for Police; Harvard Kennedy School’s Senior Executives in State and Local Government; and the Northwestern University School of Police Staff and Command.

During his career he worked in Patrol, the DARE program, Firearms Instruction, Field Training, Special Operations, Planning and Research, and the Office of Professional Standards prior to being promoted to Investigation Division Commander  encompasses the Investigations, Special Operations (Gangs and Vice), Domestic Violence Reduction and Evidence Units.

He received 12 official department commendations and numerous letters of appreciation from the community during his 26 years with the Aurora Police. Commander Groom was also instrumental in the construction of the new police headquarters that was completed in 2010.

Commander Groom was a member of both the International and Illinois Associations of Chiefs of Police; the Chiefs Associations in Kane, DuPage, and Kendall Counties; the Kane County DUI Task Force; the Juvenile Drug Court Advisory Committee; and the Aurora Police Foundation. In addition, Commander Groom was a current board member and Past President of the Exchange Club of Aurora; the current Grand Knight of the Knights of Columbus Council 736; and served two terms as a Resource Council Member of Big Brothers Big Sisters of Kane and Kendall Counties.

Commander Groom is survived by his wife Kimberly, who is a Sergeant with the Aurora Police Department, his sons Luke, Gabriel, and Seth, and his daughter Katelyn, who is also an Aurora police cadet.

Funeral arrangements are pending.

SOURCES: city of Aurora, Kane County State’s Attorney’s Office press releases