Lazarus House Invites Community to Free, Family-Style Brunch on Christmas Day

Lazarus House Invites Community to Free, Family-Style Brunch on Christmas Day

Lazarus House logo Screen Shot 2015-11-25 at 10.26.07 AM

Please join the guests, staff and friends of Lazarus House at their Annual Christmas Brunch from 11:30 p.m. to 2 p.m. Dec. 25 at the Free Methodist Church, 214 Walnut Street, St. Charles. Dining begins at noon.

This brunch is a community, family-style potluck filled with great food, music and fellowship. Jazz vocalist, Jacque Miller, will be bringing her extraordinary vocal talent to the celebration again this year.

For those able to cook, a dish to pass is appreciated. Food should arrive between 11:15 and 11:45 a.m. in a disposable container, ready to serve. Entrees, side dishes and appetizers are all welcome.

If you would like to volunteer, attend and/or contribute to the Brunch, please contact Beth McCartney at holidays@lazarushouseonline or call her at 630-587-2144.  Needed items can be found on our website:

SOURCE: Lazarus House news release