Top Stories of 2015 — No. 1: School Closings and Weather Events
- Editor’s Note: This is the 10th and final article in a series counting down the top 10 most-read Kane County Connects stories of 2015.
No. 1: Find Out What Kane County Schools Are Closed Due to Weather
Part of the process of determining content for Kane County Connects is simply looking at the stats to find out what you like and what you don’t like to read, what interests you or doesn’t interest you, what you find valuable and what you find of lesser value. There is no Facebook algorithm for this, but at the same time, we try to analyze the data and measure success so that we can make this service a little better every day.
Clearly, one of the services you most appreciate is the convenience of finding Kane County information in one place — information you’re looking for at the time you need it.
The No. 1 most-read Kane County Connects article of 2015 — perhaps not surprisingly — has to do with the extreme cold and snow events of the past winter. And it has to do with schools. Those two categories are among the most-read, along with public safety, government, business, transportation and the environment.
This particular article — Find Out What Kane County Schools Are Closed Due to Weather — was published Jan. 6, 2015, but must have been one that readers bookmarked and referred to again and again. During the course of the year, it received 7,714 views.
As this is written, on Monday, Dec. 28, we’re looking out at some nasty sleet and icy road conditions and 757 Kane County residents without electricity. We saw plenty of those conditions and more in the early part of this year. Most Kane County schools closed Jan. 7 and Jan. 8 due to extreme cold. We then ran into the fifth-largest blizzard to ever hit the Chicago area (in recorded history, that is) during a couple days to start February. North Aurora led in our area, with 16.5 inches recorded at 6:55 p.m. Feb. 1.
Kane County Connects is evolving, and the content mix and platforms you see now aren’t the same as they were six months ago and probably will be different six months from now. But one thing that’s pretty safe to say is that weather events will continue to be among the most-read articles of 2016. Even with the prospects of a warming El Nino, there’s plenty more winter ahead and plenty of opportunities for Kane County Connects to be of service to you along the way.
Top Stories of 2015 Countdown
- No. 10: Carpentersville ‘Building a Better Tomorrow … Today’
- No. 9: Missing Elgin Township Man Is Found, ‘Expected to Survive’
- No. 8: Nine Kane Private Schools Make Chicago Area’s Top 10
- No. 7: Trick or Treat!
- No. 6: Little Burlington’s Big Progress
- No. 5: Sheriff’s Office Seizes 157 Pounds of Marijuana
- No. 4: IDOT’s Diverging Diamond Interchange
- No. 3: Kane County Mourns Loss of Board Member Jesse Vazquez
- No. 2: Adult Autism Living Center Comes to Sugar Grove
- Today: Winter Weather and How to Find Out If Schools Are Closed