Kane County OpenGov Adds a ‘P-Card Report’
A P-Card Transaction Report is the latest update to the growing library available of financial information at Kane County OpenGov.
Previously, the p-card information about county credit-card spending has been included in every monthly agenda of the appropriate standing committees. The new report will make the data more easily accessible to the public, Kane County Auditor Terry Hunt said in a Thursday news release.
To access the report, visit KaneCountyIL.opengov.com and select the P-Card Transaction Report option. In the example shown below, the “treemap” legend option has been selected, which provides a graphic overview by department and a slider that allows a user to quickly move from year to year.
As with the other Kane County OpenGov reports, there are a variety of sort and filter options which allow the user to develop a customized view of the data. The default option displays all transactions going back to fiscal year 2010 sorted by department or office.
Users can sort the data by transaction date, individual cardholder, department or office and the merchant providing the goods or services. The example, below is broken down by merchant name, and filtered to isolate p-card transactions from the IT Department for fiscal year 2015.
The P-Card Transaction Report — like the other options in Kane County OpenGov — is intuitive and user friendly.
“The P-Card Transaction Report is just another example of how the Kane County OpenGov transparency platform continues to provide the public with unprecedented accessibility to our financial data,” Hunt said. “I encourage the public to explore all of the options available and invite feedback for suggestions for ways we can make Kane County OpenGov an even more valuable resource.”
SOURCE: Kane County Auditor’s Office news release