St. Charles Chamber: Marketing Is No. 1 Challenge for Local Business
The St. Charles Chamber of Commerce is responding to last fall’s survey of which indicated an overwhelming response from its membership. The number one thing small businesses said they needed was help with marketing. The Chamber put together a Member Education committee to tackle this challenge and is excited to announce a six-part Marketing Bootcamp.
“It was very important that we give our members tools they can really use so every one of these will be held in a workshop style,” said Stacey Ekstrom, President of the Chamber.”
The Marketing Bootcamp series launches on Wednesday, Feb. 10, with “Marketing DNA: The 3 Things You Must Know & Do” which walk participants through the fundamentals of identifying their value proposition, ideal clients and the message needed to take to the market place. This will be essential to attend the first one to lay the foundation for the rest of the workshops.
All workshops are from 11:15 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Wednesdays. The other workshops are as follows: “How to Get More Out of Your Advertising Dollar” on March 9; “Power Branding: Maximizing the Impact of Your Visual Marketing” on April 13 ; “Effective Social Media and Digital Marketing Simplified” on Aug. 10; “How to Get Existing Clients to Grow Your Business” on Sept. 14 and “The X-Factor: Putting it all Together” on Nov. 9.
The cost for series of six workshops is only $125 (save $25) or attendees may pay as they go for $25 per class. Non-Chamber members may attend for an additional $10 fee and are limited to two events a year. For more information go to or call 630.584.8384.
SOURCE: St. Charles Chamber of Commerce news release