Early Voting, Mail-In Will Start Thursday, After All
It looks like early voting and by-mail voting for Kane County citizens is a “go,” starting tomorrow (Thursday, Feb. 4, 2016.)
The Kane County Clerk’s Office posted a note on its KaneCountyElections.org webpage Tuesday, saying vote-by-mail and early voting will begin on schedule Thursday, but early voting only will be offered at the Kane County Clerk’s Office, 719 S. Batavia Ave., Building B, Geneva.
Kane County Clerk Kane County Clerk John A. Cunningham had announced last Thursday (Jan. 28, 2016) that “ongoing objections to several presidential candidates were not anticipated to be resolved by the State Board of Elections in time for ballots to be prepared” or in time for voting tabulators to be programmed for the opening of by-mail and early voting on Feb. 4.
The KaneCountyElections.org page contains additional information for Kane County citizens who want to learn more about the primary ballot: Sample ballots now are available online.
To see your personalized sample ballot, go to www.KaneVotes.org, which is the same page as www.kanecountyelections.org. Then scroll down until you see “Find …” in big print. It looks like this:
Then all you need to do is fill in your last name, house number and street name, click “submit,” and you’ll see links to sample ballots.
Links to additional primary-related information are provided below under the heading, “2016 General Primary Election.”
Voters seeking more information about voting by mail as well as voting schedules and locations also may contact the Kane County Clerk’s Office via email at mail@county clerk@co.kane.il.us or by phone at 630-232-5950.
2016 General Primary Election
- Information for Candidates
- Kane County Republican Candidates
- Kane County Democratic Candidates
- City of Aurora Republican Precinct Committeemen Candidates
- City of Aurora Democratic Precinct Committeemen Candidates
- Referendum
Read More
- County Clerk: Presidential Candidate Objections Likely Will Delay By-Mail, Early Voting
- Election 101: So, After Iowa and NH, When Are All the Primaries?
- Election 2016: Candidates Start Filing Petitions Monday for March 15 Primary
- 5 Referendums on the March 15 Ballot
- Who’s Running in the March Primary? Clerk’s Office Website Has the Skinny