Where's the Best Place to Find a Paczki on Paczki Day — Feb. 9, 2016?

Where’s the Best Place to Find a Paczki on Paczki Day — Feb. 9, 2016?


PHOTO CREDIT: Photo: kurmanstaff via Flickr

OK, Kane County! Time for a little crowd sourcing. We need your help, pronto, and here’s the important question we’re hoping to answer.

Where’s the best place in Kane County to find a paczki on Fat Tuesday (aka Paczki Day), Feb. 9, 2016?

Let us know in the comments field of this Kane County Connects Facebook post or send an email to [email protected], and we’ll share results.

In Chicago, they have websites and interactive maps and wall calendars and the whole nine yards of digital information on how and where to buy these Polish treats for this Fat Tuesday experience.

What Are Paczki?


According to Wikipedia, Pączki — pronounced “Punch-key” or “Poonch-key” ) — are pastries traditional to Polish cuisine. They are similar to doughnuts or Bismarks, but they are made with different dough, and it looks like there are a lot of variations.

The common opinion is that the ideal pączek is fluffy and at the same time a bit collapsed, with a bright stripe around – it is supposed to guarantee that the dough was fried in fresh oil. Again, the source for this opinion is Wikipedia.

What’s Paczki Day?

Paczki Day falls on Fat Tuesday, the day before Lent. It began long ago in Polish households as a way to use up shortening, eggs, and preserves before the 40 days of Lent began. Today, the Paczki tradition continues as a last-minute indulgence before the Lenten fast begins.

So there you have it. Now all that remains is for us to figure out where to get one on Feb. 9 in Kane County!