Local Governments, Businesses and Nonprofits Join Forces for a Sustainable Fox Valley

Local Governments, Businesses and Nonprofits Join Forces for a Sustainable Fox Valley

Calling all municipalities, nonprofit organizations, and businesses in the Fox Valley — join the Kane County Division of Environmental & Water Resources for the launch meeting of the new Fox Valley Sustainability Network! You are invited to be part of creating a healthy, sustainable Fox Valley by working together with other local organizations to advance sustainability programs throughout our region.

The Fox Valley Sustainability Network seeks to reach across boundaries and bring together leaders from the public and private sectors to create a healthy and sustainable Fox Valley.

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Fox Valley Sustainability Network Launch Meeting

  • When: 9 a.m. –11:30 a.m. Wednesday, March 16, 2016
  • Where: Hickory Knolls Discovery Center, 3795 Campton Hills Drive, St. Charles, IL 60175

Attend the inaugural event and learn about local organizations’ efforts to improve their communities and the lives of employees, peers, neighbors, family and friends. Hear about recent sustainability projects from community leaders such as the city of Batavia, the city of Elgin, the Fox River Ecosystem Partnership, Judson University and the Sierra Club.

The event will feature a presentation from the Kane County Development & Community Services Department on how community leaders can work together to implement Kane County’s Green Infrastructure Plan. The second portion of the event will include group brainstorming sessions on developing new joint projects in the areas of energy, waste, green infrastructure, water, transportation, local food/healthy communities and economic development.

Seating is limited. Please RSVP by emailing Taylee Pardi at tpardi@a5inc.com by March 14. This event is being held for representatives from local governments, community organizations, and businesses interested in improving their sustainability — not for members of the general public. More information on this event is available at www.greentownconference.com.

The Fox Valley Sustainability Network is coordinated by Seven Generations Ahead and a5 Branding & Digital, with support from the City of Aurora, Kane County Division of Environmental & Water Resources, and sponsorships from Applied Ecological Services and Republic Services.