Reminder: There Is No Kane County Recycling Event Saturday, March 12
There is NO recycling event in St. Charles on Saturday, March 12, 2016!
Not happening. Not on the agenda. Nada. Zip. Zero.
Kane County Recycling Coordinator Jennifer Jarland is sharing that reminder with an exclamation point because the paper copy of the 2015-16 Kane County Recycles Green Guide mentions a March 12, 2016, recycling event on the calendar. That Green Guide is nearly a year old and the March 12 event IS NOT HAPPENING, but if someone is glancing at the hard copy, they might think it’s still a “go” and point the car toward St. Charles by mistake.
Jarland says it is always good to check the Kane County Recycles home page for the most up-to-date information!
The new 2016-17 Kane County Recycles Green Guide will be out in mid-April.
The next Kane County Recycles event — the first one of the year — will be held from 8 a.m. to noon Saturday, April 9, 2016, at 540 S Randall in St. Charles.
On April 9, residents can recycle electronics, books, liquid latex paint (for a fee), and Kane County will be offering confidential document shredding. A complete list of accepted items, and more information can be found on this page of the Kane County Recycles website.
The next recycling event after April 9 will be on May 14, when Kane County will be recycling electronics and books only. Jarland asks residents to please wait for this event if you have only electronics and/or books to recycle.
April 9 is expected to have increased traffic and much longer lines!
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About Kane County Recycles
The Kane County Recycles office manages recycling programs for electronics, books, hazardous materials, and other hard-to-recycle materials, and promotes best practices for household recycling, commercial business recycling, and composting. This office oversees recycling-related information and community outreach initiatives, oversees the annual licensing of Waste and Recycling Haulers, provides backyard compost bins, and implements the Kane County Solid Waste Plan. The office oversees the Recycling and Hauler Licensing Ordinance which requires commercial businesses and multi-family residences to recycle, and provides the provisions for hauler licensing and reporting.
For all you ever needed to know about recycling in Kane County see the Kane County Recycles webpage and also sign up here to receive an electronic copy of the new Green Guide each spring.