5 Kane County Roadways Get Resurfacing, Starting Monday April 18
Milling and asphalt resurfacing work is scheduled for five roadways in Kane County starting the week of April 18, 2016, weather permitting. Along with resurfacing, shoulder gravel will be placed. The work is anticipated to be completed in early fall of this year.
Anticipated order for resurfacing work:
- Allen Road from County Line to 750 feet west of Wild Prairie Pointe
- Lees Road from Sauber Road to IL Route 47
- Meredith Road from McNulty Road to IC Trail
- Dauberman Road from U.S. Highway 30 to Keslinger Road
- Jericho Road (Agg Shoulder Only) from 2,250 feet east of Jones Road to 1,525 north of Jones Road
This work should take about three or four months to complete, weather permitting. Work will be done during the hours of 7 a.m. and 4 p.m. Monday through Friday. As work progresses, additional press releases will be provided to the public with specific dates of upcoming scheduled work.
Motorists should expect delays during the initial phase of the work, are encouraged to seek alternate routes during construction, and be aware of temporary lane closures and flaggers around the work area.
Any questions or concerns may be directed to Patrick VerHalen, Project Manager, with the Kane County Division of Transportation at (630)-208-3138. For all Kane County Traffic Advisories, see KDOT Traffic Alerts.
SOURCE: Kane County Division of Transportation