Countdown to Earth Day: Where to Buy Rain Barrels and Composters for Spring
- This month, Kane County Connects will highlight the organizations that are working to conserve and protect our local environment. Check out this “Countdown to Earth Day” feature every day from now until April 22 to learn more about the people and projects that are helping to improve sustainability throughout the Fox Valley.
As we settle into spring, many of you are making your lawn and garden to-do lists. If you’ve been thinking about adding a rain barrel or composter (or both!) to your yard this year, now is a perfect time to purchase one locally and help support one of our Fox Valley environmental organizations.
Consider purchasing a Soil Saver Compost Bin through Kane County Recycles, which are offered at a discounted cost for County residents. Bins are available for $60 (cash or check payable to Kane County Treasurer) at the University of Illinois Extension Office, 535 S. Randall Rd. in St. Charles. This particular design of compost bin offers a ton of great features, is made with recycled content, and even has a 25-year manufacturer warranty.
You can reduce the amount of stormwater runoff from your property by using a rain barrel, which is simply a container that collected rain water that hits your roof so that you can reuse it for your garden or yard. A quarter-inch of rain falling on an average home’s roof can yield over 200 gallons of water!
Rain Barrels can be purchased from The Conservation Foundation by ordering online or in person at the McDonald Farm. The Kane-DuPage Soil & Water Conservation District also sells rain barrels, so check out their brochure and order form.
Or, if you are up in the northern part of Kane County, you may wish to take advantage of the rain barrel and composter sale through the village of Algonquin — read on for more information.
Village of Algonquin Rain Barrel and Composter Sale
If you are interested in purchasing a rain barrel or composter, please visit Different colors and prices are available.
Orders must be placed by May 13. When placing an order, be sure to check the box for Algonquin pick up. Orders can be picked up at Algonquin’s Ganek Municipal Center (2200 Harnish Drive, Algonquin) from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. May 20 or by arrangements the following week.
Rain barrels will benefit Algonquin’s water conservation program by offering residents an alternative water source for watering landscaping and thus reducing the use of potable water.
Rain barrels are placed under a downspout to collect and store rain water. Water from the rain barrel can then be used to water flowers and gardens during dry weather. The use of rain water is beneficial for the plants, decreases the amount of drinking water used for landscape irrigation, and reduces the amount of water runoff during storms. As part of the village’s water conservation efforts, the village encourages the use of rain barrels.
Composters will help reduce the amount of garbage sent to a landfill. Fruit scraps, vegetable scraps and yard waste can be put in the composter. Composting food scraps and yard waste is a natural process that produces organic compost great for use in the garden. The Village encourages the use of composters to divert the amount of items going to the landfill and to save you money.
Partnership — The village of Algonquin and the Land Conservancy of McHenry County (LCMC) have joined efforts for the 6th year in a row to promote and sell rain barrels and composters. TLC is handling all orders through their website ( or by phone 815-337-9502 and the village assisting with publicity and serving as a pick up location. The sale is open to everyone.
Questions may be directed to Katie Parkhurst, AICP, Senior Planner, at (847) 658-4184.
About Kane County Recycles
The Kane County Recycles office manages recycling programs for electronics, books, hazardous materials, and other hard-to-recycle materials, and promotes best practices for household recycling, commercial business recycling, and composting. This office oversees recycling-related information and community outreach initiatives, oversees the annual licensing of Waste and Recycling Haulers, provides backyard compost bins, and implements the Kane County Solid Waste Plan. The office oversees the Recycling and Hauler Licensing Ordinance which requires commercial businesses and multi-family residences to recycle, and provides the provisions for hauler licensing and reporting.