Read the 2016 'Countdown to Earth Day' Series

Read the 2016 ‘Countdown to Earth Day’ Series

  • SK_Countdown_ED_3This month, Kane County Connects highlighted the organizations that are working to conserve and protect our local environment. The “Countdown to Earth Day” articles were featured every weekday through April 22 to provide Kane County residents an opportunity to learn more about the people and projects that are helping to improve sustainability throughout the Fox Valley.


Presented here are links to the 2016 “Countdown to Earth Day” series compiled by Kane County Resource Management Coordinator Cecilia Govrik and Kane County Recycling Coordinator Jennifer Jarland. Taken together, these articles paint an interesting picture of the Fox Valley’s ongoing efforts to protect the local environment.

Rick Jennifer Cecilia

From left to right, the highly disciplined editorial team of Govrik, Jarland and Nagel.

The “countdown” series is impressive in scope and perhaps unprecedented in Kane County’s outreach efforts, but it’s also important to realize that these articles are just a sampling. In fact, there are scores of local organizations and individuals working hard — mostly behind the scenes and without a lot of fanfare — to protect Kane County’s water quality, provide affordable recycling alternatives and support energy-saving best practices.

Special thanks to Govrik and Jarland, both of whom took extra time and effort to put together the 15 articles that make up this series. Govrik and Jarland are employees of the Kane County Division of Environmental & Water Resources headed by Kenneth N. Anderson, Jr., and you can read more about the division below.

If you haven’t already, I encourage you to read the articles below, and click on some of the many links within those articles that provide additional information.

On a personal note, this article is written and published on April 22 — which is not only Earth Day 2016 in Kane County but my dad’s 94th birthday. So, happy birthday, Ralph Nagel, and thanks for passing along your deep appreciation for blue sky, fresh air and clear water.

Rick Nagel, Kane County Connects editor
April 22, 2016

Read the Countdown to Earth Day Series

Countdown to Earth Day: Historic Coalition Will Conserve, Protect Natural Resources

About the Kane County Division of Environmental & Water Resources

Screen Shot 2016-04-22 at 11.48.13 AMThe Kane County Division of Environmental & Water Resources develops, evaluates, and implements programs to protect the health, safety and welfare of our residents and the environment. These programs include the countywide Stormwater Management program, the Kane County Recycles recycling and waste recovery programs, the electric aggregation program, the Sustain Kane programs, and other resource conservation and environmental projects.

About Kane County Recycles

Recycles Recycling Logo SMThe Kane County Recycles office manages recycling programs for electronics, books, hazardous materials, and other hard-to-recycle materials, and promotes best practices for household recycling, commercial business recycling, and composting. This office oversees recycling-related information and community outreach initiatives, oversees the annual licensing of Waste and Recycling Haulers, provides backyard compost bins, and implements the Kane County Solid Waste Plan. The office oversees the Recycling and Hauler Licensing Ordinance which requires commercial businesses and multi-family residences to recycle, and provides the provisions for hauler licensing and reporting.

For all you ever needed to know about recycling in Kane County, see the Kane County Recycles webpage and sign up here to receive an electronic copy of the new Green Guide each spring.