Geneva Lions Club Delivers 2,500 Eyeglasses

Geneva Lions Club Delivers 2,500 Eyeglasses

The Geneva Lions Club recently delivered approximately 2,500 eyeglasses, 350 ink cartridges, 54 cell phones, 17 pounds of Christmas lighting wire, and one pound of aluminum tabs to the Lions International Collection Center in Sycamore, IL.

Lions Club LogoThe Geneva Lions Club collects nearly 10,000 eyeglasses from collection sites throughout Geneva and St. Charles each year. See the club’s website ( for specific locations. The eyeglasses, and other items, are then recycled for distribution to those in need in Third World countries.

In addition, the Geneva Lions Club, actively works to fulfill its mission to meet the sight and hearing needs of those in need in both Geneva and St. Charles. Funds raised support Geneva and St. Charles organizations and scholarships including Lazarus House, Carroll Towers, and the TriCity Health Partnership. Working with the Vision Center located in the St. Charles Walmart Supercenter, the Geneva Lions Club covers the cost of eye exams and eyeglasses for applicants and referrals in need.

Visit the Lions During Swedish Days

Bratwurst Stand and Shaved Ice Booth (June 23-28, 2015) — Geneva Lions offers this booth during Geneva’s annual Swedish Days Festival. This is the club’s largest single fund raising activity. Members volunteer to cook and serve food and drinks at the stand. “We enjoy working with each other and serving the public while providing funding for worthy causes,” the Geneva Lions Club website says.

About the Geneva Lions Club

Geneva Lions Club is part of Lions Clubs International — the largest service club organization in the world. Its 1.4 million members perform valuable service in 210 countries and geographic areas around the globe. Lions are friends, family and neighbors who share a core belief: community is what we make it.

Philanthropy: The Geneva Lions Club raises money primarily for the benefit persons who suffer from sight and/or hearing disabilities. A smaller percentage of funds is donated to local community organizations. Read more about our Philanthropy here.

If you are interested in speaking to the group during one of its weekly meetings, please download and send this form.

SOURCE: Geneva Lions Club news release. website