Kane County Connects Takes a Week Off!

Kane County Connects Takes a Week Off!

Kane County Connects will take a week off, from May 23 to May 27, 2016.


I’ve pre-set several articles of interest to post Monday through Friday on KaneCountyConnects.com, so please tune in and take a look.

Although I’m officially on vacation, I’ll be home in time to attend the 2016 Kane County Leaders Summit on May 27 at the Q Center. Just as an FYI, if you want to attend, you might want to book now. There are already more than 250 people signed up, and it’s filling fast.

I’m going to miss a lot of cool stuff while I’m gone, so here are some …

Quick Reminders

Community Events

Memorial Day GenevaObviously, these are just a few of the events going on in Kane County.

May 21-30: Vets Week in Aurora

May 25: Senior Health and Wellness Fair at The Holmstad

May 27:

May 30: Memorial Day

Kane County Government Meetings