After Swedish Days, New Parking Fine Structure in Downtown Geneva
The glory that is Swedish Days 2016 is in full view as this is written on Friday, with much to go, including the awesome Sunday parade.
But when the dust settles and the last carnival ride is packed and gone, there will be some new parking rules in downtown Geneva, IL.
The Geneva Police Department has begun implementing a new parking fine structure that was approved by the City Council on June 20. The new fines for people who exceed the posted time limit will be enforced diligently on Monday, June 27.
In March, the City Council directed city staff to research Geneva parking fines with surrounding and comparable communities. The survey indicated Geneva’s parking fines were substantially lower than its municipal neighbors. The new ordinance strikes a balance to maintain a business-friendly approach to shoppers and downtown visitors while also bringing Geneva more in line with the local area.
The following chart represents the old parking fine system and the recently approved changes:
Old Fines
New Fines
Overtime Parking
(exceeding posted time limit)
1st offense Warning
2-3 offenses $2
4-9 offenses $10
10-14 offenses $15
15 or more $25
First 2 offenses Warning
3rd offense $5
4-5 offenses $10
6-10 offenses $20
11-15 offenses $25
16 or more $40
Improper Parking
Snow Emergency Parking
Snow Ban Secondary Streets
Special Parking Privilege
Prohibited Parking
Additionally, administrative fees for unpaid parking tickets throughout various timeframes have increased. Previously, unpaid parking tickets were assessed a flat $10 administrative fee for all parking violations that remained unpaid after 10 days. Now the administrative fee structure will be:
Non-Overtime (see previous chart)
$5 after 15 days
$25 after 15 days
$10 after 30 days (2 late payments = $15 total)
$50 after 30 days (2 late payments = $75 total)
$25 after 45 days (3 late payments = $40)
$50 after 45 days (3 late payments = $125)
All parking tickets that remain unpaid after 90 days will be turned over to a collection agency or a warrant (summons) for arrest will be issued to the violator.
Lastly, quarterly downtown parking permit fees for Geneva residents will remain $100, but non-residents will now be charged $125.
For more information about the parking fines, call the Geneva Police Department at 630-232-4736. Parking maps and information can be found on the city’s website at
SOURCE: city of Geneva news release