Elgin Water Main Installation Scheduled to Start on Nesler Road

Elgin Water Main Installation Scheduled to Start on Nesler Road

The city of Elgin started construction today (Monday, June 13, 2016) for the West Pressure Zone Connectivity project to install water main along Nesler Road from South Street to Pompton Avenue. Construction is anticipated to last through August 2016.

Investing in Elgin logoConstruction activities are not expected to require traffic lane closures, but traffic on northbound and southbound Nesler Road will be controlled by a combination of flaggers and an automated traffic signal system. Traffic delays may occur, and drivers are encouraged to find an alternate route.

The “West Pressure Zone” is generally described as the area of the city west of Randall Road. The new 20-inch water main will connect existing water main at the intersections of Nesler Road and South Street and Nesler Road and Pompton Avenue.

Kyla Jacobsen, the city’s utilities director, said the connection will increase water flow and capacity to the area, as well as provide redundancy in the event an impediment affects the flow of the water main.

“The new water main is critical to the city’s ability to provide adequate potable water service to the western portion of Elgin, as well as in areas where future development is anticipated,” Jacobsen said.

Project updates and traffic alerts will be available through the city of Elgin’s weekly construction email, on the city’s Elgin 311 mobile app or by calling Elgin 311.

For more information about the West Zone Pressure Connectivity project, please contact Stephen Crede with Burns and McDonnell at 630-710-8667 or [email protected].

SOURCE: city of Elgin news release


Elgin 2016 Capital Improvement Projects