Kane County Cancels July Recycling Event As It Tackles Electronics Issue

Kane County Cancels July Recycling Event As It Tackles Electronics Issue

Kane County’s electronics and books recycling event previously scheduled for July 9 has been cancelled due to the ongoing — and hopefully temporary — suspension of the county’s electronics recycling program.

When the event will reopen is yet to be determined, but Recycling Coordinator Jennifer Jarland remains optimistic.

Electronics recycling SM“We’re looking at several ideas to provide electronics recycling for Kane County residents,” she said. “And we’re hoping that Kane County municipalities will join us to create a stable and sustainable program.”

Over the past six months, overwhelming volumes of TVs flooded Kane County’s electronics drop-off sites and monthly events, causing the recent closure of remaining drop-offs and forcing the temporary suspension of the monthly electronics recycling event as of May.

“This is a scene being played out in counties throughout Illinois, as legislators and stakeholders continue to negotiate amendments to the failed state electronics recycling law,” Jarland said.

The Kane County Division of Environmental Resources is actively working with municipal leaders to create a new network of electronics recycling drop-off locations that will be able to serve the residents of Kane County under present conditions.

Jarland, Environmental & Water Resources Director Ken Anderson and County Board members are reaching out and meeting with administrators in cities and villages throughout the county to discuss the plan.

The goal is to secure three partners — one location each in the north, central, and southern sections of the county — in order to provide convenient recycling options to residents. These drop-off sites likely would be open five days a week, year-round.

Once these locations are set, Jarland said, the recycling collection event traditionally held at 540 S. Randall Road on the second Saturday of each month will be reactivated. Please visit the Kane County Recycles webpage frequently to find the most current updates on the program.

Questions? Contact Kane County Recycling Coordinator Jennifer Jarland at 630-208- 3841 or recycle@countyofkane.org.

SOURCE: Kane County Recycles news release

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About Kane County Recycles

Recycles Recycling Logo SMThe Kane County Recycles office manages recycling programs for electronics, books, hazardous materials, and other hard-to-recycle materials, and promotes best practices for household recycling, commercial business recycling, and composting. This office oversees recycling-related information and community outreach initiatives, oversees the annual licensing of Waste and Recycling Haulers, provides backyard compost bins, and implements the Kane County Solid Waste Plan. The office oversees the Recycling and Hauler Licensing Ordinance which requires commercial businesses and multi-family residences to recycle, and provides the provisions for hauler licensing and reporting.

For all you ever needed to know about recycling in Kane County see the Kane County Recycles webpage and also sign up here to receive an electronic copy of the new Green Guide each spring.

About the Kane County Division of Environmental & Water Resources

Sustain Kane logo SMThe Kane County Division of Environmental & Water Resources develops, evaluates, and implements programs to protect the health, safety and welfare of our residents and the environment. These programs include the countywide Stormwater Management program, the Kane County Recycles recycling and waste recovery programs, the electric aggregation program, the Sustain Kane programs, and other resource conservation and environmental projects.