POW: 'Storm' And 'Rain' And 'River' ... It's Raining Kittens at KCAC!

POW: ‘Storm’ And ‘Rain’ And ‘River’ … It’s Raining Kittens at KCAC!

It’s raining kittens at Kane County Animal Control!

Storm1The KCAC shelter staff aptly named one of those kittens Storm due to the incredibly wet spring our area has been experiencing.

Storm came to KCAC as a stray when she was 3 weeks old along with her two siblings, Rain and River. All three are 9 weeks old now, and as they move around the shelter exploring their surroundings, it’s easy to see their personalities becoming more and more defined.

Out of the three of them, Storm appears to have more of an adventurous streak. She often finds herself running down the slippery hallway, popping out from between two file cabinets and then jumping in front of her brother or sister. If she gets too turned around and lost, she meows until someone comes to find her.

She also enjoys just talking to you for absolutely no reason and will keep up her part of the one-sided conversation for quite a while.

Storm has a heart murmur, which the shelter staff believes she’ll outgrow. Only time will tell, of course, which is why it’s important that Storm’s forever family is patient and willing to give her plenty of time to adjust to her new surroundings.

KCAC Updates

Payton POW2

Seriously, how can you resist adopting Payton?

Kit finally got the forever family she so richly deserves. Congratulations, Kit!

Payton, the beagle whose owner surrendered her, still needs to find her Charlie Brown family.

Renny, a 1-year old lab/pit bull mix is still awaiting his forever family to adopt him so he can have some fun!

Long tall Sally, the brindle pit bull with a goofy grin, is still waiting for her Mustang family to adopt her.

How to Adopt

All Kane County Animal Control adoptable cats and dogs are spayed/neutered, microchipped, up-to-date on all vaccines including rabies. They are tested for feline leukemia/FIV and heartworm. The adoption fee for dogs is $200 and $100 for cats.

For more information regarding Kane County Animal Control’s adoptable animals and for an adoption application, please go to www.kanecountypets.org.

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About Kane County Animal Control

Screen Shot 2016-03-18 at 2.42.45 PMIt is the duty of the Animal Control Department to:

  • Ensure that all domesticated dogs and cats over 4 months of age are vaccinated against Rabies and have a Kane County Rabies Tag.
  • Ensure that all reported animal bites are given precautionary attention in relation to the possibility rabies infection.
  • Ensure that pet owners are instructed on proper procedures pertaining to animal bites and enforce adherence to these procedures.
  • Contain loose\stray dogs in unincorporated Kane County and those towns and villages with whom contracted.
  • Investigate nuisance dog complaints in unincorporated Kane County and those towns and villages with whom contracted.
  • Investigate complaints of neglected and\or abused dogs.

Visit the Kane County Animal Control website and Facebook page!